Ability to like/dislike/rate/comment Eventlab events in the Festival Playlist

I rarely play EventLab events, except in the Festival Playlist. I think I remember you could like/dislike them after completing them but now I don’t see that option. With the big EventLab update coming, I’m surprised there is no way of giving feedback. Or am I missing something?

Also there should be an EventLab tag here in this Suggestions Hub.

They were probably offensive to someone. You know how that goes.


Add the Option to dislike an EventLab “job” in the Festival playlist.

Actually it is very much rare that such an event is not annoying.

Events that gained eg 5 dislikes should be replaced AND the creators should be banned from creating for the rest of season or at least 4 weeks.

It almost feels like trolling, what players have to suffer through, just to get an outfit.

A shame that those events are obviously never tested by playground …

i hate stupid eventlab race.