A star with a number. What does this mean?

Hello, In the challenge rankings, some drivers have a star on their line with a number underneath. What does this mean?

It’s means they have prestiged. Once you hit a certain level your rank goes back to level one. You then get a star next to your name with a number.

The number representing the number of times you have prestiged.


It means they copied the silly level system from Forza Horizon 4 and 5 which replaced the previously straightforward system of previous Forza games.


99% of these People use Game Exploits like the Speed Glitch on LeMans. I Race a lot after Work but 2 Stars and more is 100% Cheated

Each star is a thousand driver levels.



Lots of inaccurate info here… lol… first off- i have 3 stars and a 174… i am NOT a cheater… i believe that means I’m level 1074… (aprox) somewhere in there… not 3000… lol…im referring to fh5, but this is the same level system…

nope, you gain 1 star per 1k levels. so your current level is 3174 !


No way… really?

It means you spent way too much time AFK-levelling cars.



Thanks for the explanation, I was confused when it appeared next to my name. Where can you see your actual level?

its completely realistic for someone to prestige without afking or cheating, at least for 1 star. im currently around level 970 with no afking or upgrading any car and i took a few months off during the winter. if I didnt do that i would be around 1100 right now.

Now, 9+ months post-launch - yes.
Back when this thread was originally started ~6/7 weeks post-launch - maybe not so much.

You don’t.

Sure you can it’s on the Home Screen, top right corner next to your GT along with how many credits you have. Also see at end of every event

No because I don’t have a star and I’m lvl 693

Hit level 1000 and you will.

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