I played FH1 on the 360 and rather enjoyed it. The graphics and gameplay for FH2 on the XB1 are incredible. The game has an arcade feel, but I actually like that.
The negatives on this game are not deal-breakers, but it seems like FH2 took on the “Windows 8” approach; a great product, but not user-friendly.
When folks are asking for features that were in FH1 but are gone from FH2, please listen!
No “quit game”/back out to home screen option. With the history of Forza ‘cloud save’ issues, no one is really comfy with just turning off the system.
No menu similar to FM5? it would be cool to have all six areas in main menu. Choose one, then it shows all disciplines within each area. Choose a discipline, then choose or buy your car.
Grinding out to find all 150 boards and all 10 barn finds. No treasure map for XB1? Whats that about?
Car cost. I’m at driver level 85 and have amassed around 6-7 million credits, after buying two cars and upgrades. What happened to parts/upgrade discounts? Also, bring back a FAIR token system. Something like, 15 tokens for $5 bucks. Most expensive car is 3 tokens, least are 1 token. Some of us would spend good money for a fair price. Costs $1 dollar real money to unlock a high end car? I’m down with that.
Overall, a great game with a few shortcomings. Fix 'em!!