A question for the developers. ...Ok, anybody that has a thought.

I am the first to admit that I don’t have much knowledge of the inner workings regarding producing a good game. I’m like most people I’m sure, in that I can picture what I think would be a perfect racing game for me. I also understand that what I want isn’t necessarily what everybody else wants.

That being said, the question I pose to any actual developers that may be perusing the forums, why hasn’t anyone capitalized on the explosion of popularity for drag racing? The only games that can really be found are on a tablet or phone.

I love Forza, I have for years. I understand that there is a limited form of drag racing, sort of, in most of the games. It has never been well represented, or properly working, but it’s kinda been there. Whether you’re talking Motorsport or Horizon, each would lend itself to having it’s own portion, it’s own drag upgrade path.

Horizon would be more suited for Street Outlaws style and Motorsport more the track, No Prep and NHRA style. I guess I just don’t understand the lack of an attemt.

Maybe I left too vague of a question or thought, or.possibly o really am the o my drag racing fan of Forza, lol. Hopeful that’s not the case.

Maybe to help picture my thought, this may get a tad wishlisty, bear with me. I see a choice when choosing a car and beginning the upgrade process, circuit/road racer, rally/off road, drag and then drift. Each path presents it’s own upgrades for that type of racing.

Having different upgrade trees for lack of better term would open up these games to so much more. As my original post was meant to address, why is drag racing never given a fair shot on a console? I see if Turn 10 would embrace the popularity, put out a “beta” of sorts that revolves around drag racing. Have drag specific upgrades like proper wheel sets, proper sized and compounded tires. Staging on a working drag track. Chassis upgrades including tube chassis and back half-ing. Correct engines and tunable boost. Trans brake, wheely bars, etc.

As I said many times in many threads and the reason I started up this thread is because I truly am curious why there’s been no good console drag games, and why hasn’t Turn 10 capitalized on this? Any thoughts, beyond the inevitable “because drag racing sucks!” post. And yes drifters, I think the same question could be asked for you, too.

It seems like drag racing must just not have enough “draw” to it, for most game developers… I don’t really know the best way to put it; like there just isn’t enough to it, the fanbase is too small, something like that. Same for why we don’t see any Air Racing games, or any America’s Cup games—and, like with you and drag racing, I would absolutely love to see games for both the air and sea! Developers don’t even consider these different sports, “not enough exposure…” “Nobody would buy it…” “Too much cost for not enough benefit…” I’m not sure any of those things would be right, however. I think they would be pleasantly surprised, if they were to pour in enough effort to get such things done right, and expose those things to the gaming world…

The only console game I’ve seen lately that looks like it even tried to half-way do drag racing was, and bare with me here; The Crew. That game does do a sort of upgrade path like you’re talking about, with different upgrades and builds per discipline…but that’s as far it seems to go. The only reason why I mention it is because of those slight points; the inclusion of drag, and the differing discipline-based upgrades…

As far as I’m concerned, I’m with you, 100%; drag and drift do both need to see more fleshing out in Forza. Body kits, tunable boost(which should be functional outside of drag and drift, as well), more detailed tire options…

I’d lobby for greater fleshing-out of GP/F1 and other disciplines/series that would require certain unique control/modeling work as well. Anyone who watches an F1, F2, Indy, or other similar race will hear remarks about “DRS”, “KERS”, “Push to Pass”, and also changing of engine mapping(lean to rich at the push of a few buttons!)… Despite the fact that we now have Indy and at least one modern F1 machine in the field (or is it the private customer track day play toy, and not the real F1 machine?), we still don’t have these functions… Likewise, we get one single example of a racing semi…these things have seen at least one other racing game, which DID model the water-cooled brake mechanic, but we don’t get that here. Hell, even the all-electric and other hybrid machines various functional mechanics need fleshing out.

Forza has a ways to go, yet, and we can only hope they know just how to branch out every which way effectively…