A.I traffic lack of it

Yeah, but it wasn’t necessarily to nerf it so much it. It’s like less than 1/3 from Horizon 3 traffic.

In drift zones they are ghosted. Other players also. So we could perfectly have a more alive map.

Now it feels pretty alone and sad.

I feel most people prefer this way, but I’m really feeling almost alone sometimes.

Now that we finally got AI ghosted in drift zones and also online players when necessary, shouldn’t we have at least a bit more crowded city, at least?

Maybe it’s because I never enter a full 72 players server, but with a big map, it will still feel a bit sad/empty, since lots of people are just off-road, for example.

Would be perfect to have a AI traffic difficulty setting, where we would receive extra ability points when choosing a crowded map, for example.

Any thoughts?

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Yea the game needs more traffic and the ability to enable/disable collision, i feel so disconnected from the world and lonely. :frowning:

Thought it was just me yesterday.
If they wanted to nerf it from FH3, they have taken it too far the other way. The main road in Surfers Paradise by the festival used to be really dense with traffic.

With the shared world experience I’ve actually never felt more connected in Forza. It seems like drivers are everywhere!

I don’t think of standard AI traffic as anything more than an obstacle in the game, but when other actual players race by, quick chat, or honk - it’s pretty awesome.

That’s why i did go back to offline, much better with drivatars.

Good riddance to it.

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I guess it might require too much Internet bandwidth to sync more traffic.

So you like your open world driving game with no traffic?
Makes a lot of sense!


This huge beautiful 4 seasons map is, at the same time, boring and sad. It’s so empty with this almost nonexistent AI traffic and people.

And I was so afraid of this when they were saying this on all streams and early reviews, that the emphasis would be on crazy online ghosts traffic, nerfing so much AI.

What’s the point of a OPEN WORLD racing game if this will be like an extinction dead place? They are dumb, we know, but necessary.


It’s like an abandoned town or something. It’s hard to even get the “Threading the Needle” skill for Forzathon because you rarely see a car and seeing two at once going on two lanes is like finding a four leaf clover…


To those that aren’t seeing a lot of traffic, are you online in the Horizon Life mode? I play in solo mode most of the time and there is A LOT of traffic but when I switch to the online mode most of the traffic disappears. So to those who are looking for more traffic, maybe consider playing in solo mode.


Oh yeah less traffic for sure. Obviously done to free up CPU for chickens goats and ridiculous detail.

I love less traffic but do not need the wildlife or finer details.

Please dont change the traffic. But if you must (Devs) give us an option to adjust it.

Switch the game to solo mode and the traffic reappears, it seems that it’s dialled way down when you’re online.


Please give us a AI traffic amount slider Playground/Turn10. Personally the map feels empty on both modes. It’s just not right or challenging.

There may be a bug with NPC traffic failing to spawn properly at times. Specifically, you don’t see any of them at all for extended periods. I’ve seen this too, and it’s something Playground is aware of. The more you can help pinpoint the root cause by finding a way to reproduce it, the more equipped they will be to solve it. I’ve found that starting and completing an event typically kicks them back into action, but haven’t been able to figure out a way to get them in a non-spawning state myself.


From what I experienced the rate of spawns and finally the lack of seem to be somewhat connected to how long I am in a particular session. The longer the less spawn. And it doesn’t seem like a session-wide problem, more like a personal. I was in a sessions for roughly an hour and hadn’t seen traffic for like 20 minutes. A friend joined me to cruise together in a team and he had traffic. On his screen I was constantly crashing into NPC-cars that weren’t there on my screen.

I’ve been able to reproduce the disappearing traffic in Horizon Solo free roam by taking photos.

I forget the mode but it was basically online free roam with two of us in a convoy. I had no NPC cars. My friend had them. In Edinburgh he was laughing at some silly antics of drivertars and I was 50m behind him and did not see a single car for the whole session.

i think there are definitely less traffic cars but i actually like it. I think the reason it feels so lonely compared to horizon 3 is the lack of drivatars. I remember in horizon 3 no matter where you were or which way you went there would always be like 10 drivatars around you. Now with the map being populated with real players you don’t have the constant swarm of drivavtars following and appearing around you all the time.