Hey guys , this weekend i start to think some good ideas about forza horizon 2 , and i remeber the storm island expansion who is all about rally , and why not a only street expansion on Monaco ? Would be my gearhead dream , drive a Lambo Huracan in Monaco , just add 6 cars and finish , what do you think guys about that ?
Soon i will put that on Forza Horizon 2 wish list
you should have put this on the wishlist too…stop clogging up the forum!!!
the wish list is there for a reason
All wishlist posts aside, this is pretty much my dream expansion for this game too. 100% agreed that a circuit themed expansion would be amazing.
I’m still thinking that there is one more expansion coming considering the menu in-game says “Expansions” but when you click on it, only Storm Island is listed. The fact that the word is plural intrigues me.
Either way, I’m sure we’ll know soon enough, just make sure to use the wishlist next time. (even though it is likely nobody from T10 looks at it, lol)