50 lap race indy oval 280k credits add SLeHR

looking for people to do a 50 lap race be rady for a long one

if you use the chevy indy car you can load a tune that says it’s a top 5 car at 38 seconds a lap. i didn’t get it down to 38 seconds but i was running consistant 40.2 laps and it look barely over half an hour. its long compared to the 2-7 lap races in fm5, but not long at all compared to the endurance races from previous forzas

sorry just noticed you were asking for multiplayer racers. you know you can also do the race in free play? and with the car above you can beat the “unbeatable” drivatars. infact you lap 2nd place twice. you can turn off all break asists because you never use the breaks, all you have to do is lift a little going into turn 1, the rest you run flat out. and i think the total will be the same as or higher than multiplayer because i think unbeatable drivatars bonus is higher than the multiplayer bonus.

If your line is good you shouldnt have to lift going into one at all. I run pretty consistent 39.8’s with a 39.586 as my fast and I’m still tweeking the tune on mine a little.

Even with a default tune you should run mid 40’s if you have a smooth line.