21: 9 Ultra-wide monitors support

I’m worried about support for ultra-wide monitors 21: 9. Will it be implemented correctly, with the support of Photo-mode including?

Forza Horizon 3 had perfect Ultrawide (21:9) support so I am pretty certain Forza Horizon 4 will as well. I will be really shocked if it doesn’t. I am guessing you have not played Forza Horizon 3 yet on your PC in Ultrawide so I would suggest playing it now before Forza Horizon 4 comes out. I have pretty much the same setup as you and it looks absolutely stunning in Ultrawide on PC.

Thanks for the answer. I have a Forza Horizon 3 and I know about the support of ultra-wide monitors in it. The fact is that the photo mode there worked incorrectly, the downloaded photos turned out to be blurry.

I would think that since that was a problem with 3, I would hope that they would haven learned from the errors from 3. FM7 is supported as well, so it looks to be something to keep going. Will it be available day one with out issues, thats another question.

I hope it is as I hope to upgrade to UW soon.

Would there be a way for you to fix the cutscenes from going into an event for example, or when you’re in houses? It cuts off the edges on the left and right whenever they’re triggered and then the letterboxes appear too which makes no sense for 21:9, you basically end up with half of the screen being black which is pretty annoying at times…

And maybe a quick suggestion for the pre-rendered cinematics, you could export the clips in 21:9 without the letterboxes and just let the game load them in like that, the letterboxes will naturally appear in 16:9; seen some games make use of that already so I’m pretty sure you should be able to do it too!

Hope I’m not asking for too much, it’d just improve the game sooo much for ultrawide users.

[Mod Edit - thread merged - MM]

I’ve searched for info on this, and from the lack of information on it being supported, I’m guessing it’s not supported, but I haven’t found anything that explicitly says it isn’t supported. So am I right in thinking the Xbox One X can’t make proper use of a 21:9 display to show extra information at the sides rather than stretching the image? Having seen 21:9 PC footage on youtube I think this would be a really nice improvement to the game, and you’d think the Xbox One X should have enough GPU power to hold 60fps at 2560x1080 and maybe even at 3440x1440 if some quality elements are reduced (it’s only 60% of the pixels of 4k).

All consoles (XB1, 360, PS4, PS3, etc) are designed for TV use only.

Above 480p only 16:9 ratio is supported.
16:9 is the TV standard.


If you want to play with a fancy other display aspect ratio you need to switch to PC, with unlimited possiblities.

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Thanks for answering, just wanted to be sure as it’s not cheap for a suitable PC graphics card and screen.

Sigh, you have time to merge my post about 21:9 support on XBOX into a thread that is about 21:9 support on PC, maybe you could have spent the time answering my question instead?

[Mod Edit - If it wasn’t clear, I’m not located at T10. To answer your question I would have had to take an hour away from work to go home and look at my console settings, and I can’t be expected to have an answer for everything. What I can do it keep topics together, so that now when someone else has the same question they can find it in one thread instead of sifting through many. It takes far less time for me to merge a single post than to merge a duplicate thread with many posts, so I do the moderating first and come back and provide support on my own time if I can. I hope that makes sense. - MM]