Proper ultrawide support for ultrawide monitor users.
I would love to see proper ultrawide support for menus, hud, loading screeens and cutscenes.
Ultrawide isn’t supported on the hardware level, Xbox machines only output games in 16:9.
Thats not the excuse, horizon 4 and 5 have very good ultrawide support, heck even fh3 had good ultrawide support. Im talking about PC. I dont know why this topic moved to xbox section.
Oh, for PC it would be a good addition, yes.
I assumed this was Xbox hence my reply.
Yes, we have ultrawide (21:9 for me) during racing but what about in the menus, in the photo mode, viewing cars, cut scenes etc. Is it easy to implement this, yes, yes it is. If it wasn’t modders would not have been able to do it after access to the sim for 24 hours. Of course you cannot use the mod(s) that allow you to use the whole of your monitor because Turm 10 will consider it cheating and ban you. Turn 10 are either too incompetent to implement it or just do not care. Worse that they consider it cheating to use the whole of your monitor. Sim racing is one genre of games where ultrawide monitors are most common. A small qol fix seems to be too much for them.
This post (and the modarators note that the post had been moved) brought me here. I fully support this and I wish I could vote it up more than once. I would love to see the game fully support ultra wide displays.