I really like how Forza is finally coming to PC! But before I preorder, because of the disappointment with Apex, I need solid confirmation that 21:9 will, for sure, be supported in FH3. Has anyone seen anything official on this yet?
Yes The Game need 21:9 Support !
[Mod Edit - completely unacceptable language per forums Terms - MM]
I didn’t mean to quote it lol. Thanks for removing it so quickly
I love Forza Horizon 1 & 2 and am so excited that FH3 is coming to PC!
21:9 / ultrawide and triple screen support is all I would ask for. It seems wheel support is a lock, really hope they support now standard PC resolutions and wide aspect ratios. Forza Apex is lacking all of these things and has me questioning what Forza Horizon 3 will have at launch. I would assume Turn 10 is not against this sort of thing, after all Forza 3 & 4 on the Xbox 360 had triple screen support, which is insane considering the setup required with 3 consoles spitting out separate images. PC makes that sort of thing so much easier!
It would be another level of amazing if they were to allow functionality like PCARS and Dirt Rally does on PC beyond those basics and allow you to adjust the seat / camera positioning (up/down/forward/back/etc) and Field of View for a better cockpit experience, but I’d be more than content with basic ultrawide resolution support. I’m always so bummed out when a brand new game is 16:9 pillarboxed on my screens. But thankfully, that’s pretty rare these days.
“#ForzaHorizon3 will support 21:9 aspect ratio on the #Windows10 version with #XboxPlayAnywhere”
This is freakin awesome man! thanks for the link!
Fantastic news! Thanks for sharing that confirmation, can’t wait to see it in action!
Thank you so much!
Also, thankyou to whomever fixed the thread title I completely forgot as I rushed off to the Microsoft store :3
This is great news! My body is tingeling now, so ready to play it on that aspect ratio with my G27. Also, will ther game support multi-monitor setups?
/Off topic now,
Thank you so much for making this happen Turn 10 and all other people involved, i love your games. Waited for a Horizon game for so long for PC. I really hope you can release the game on Steam or/and GOG in the future because i love DRM free games. <3