In single player mode I recently tried to run the goliath race on 2 laps with the horizon edition gt to kinda farm some credits since its a credit boost car and its very difficult to make money in game apparently. My first attempt the car seemed to start to cut off just before the finish of lap 1 so i checked the telemetry to make sure i had 100% throttle to rule out the controller and that checked out ok so i decided to restart the race. My second attempt was the same way the car started to act as they do in forza 6 when they run out of gas so i checked the telemetry again to see if there was a “fuel” feature but no luck and the car stopped just after the finish line of the 1st lap…again so i gave up altogether. Are these horizon edition cars only capable of going a certain distance (in a race) before they just give up so you can’t reap the benefits of the credits/xp/skills boost? Not a rant btw, just kinda disappointed to waste 20 mins trying this race twice only to come up empty handed.
You can run out of fuel if you have simulation damage on. Unfortunately the only way to check your fuel is the fuel gauge in first person.
There’s no way to refuel during a race.
Sounds to me like you have full cosmetic simulation (cosmetic, fuel,and tires) turned on. You’re running out of fuel. The higher performance cars can’t make 1 full lap around Goliath on a full tank.
Isn’t the fuel gauge only shown in cockpit view
Ok, cool. I’ll try turning the simulation damage/tires/etc. off and see if that helps. I honestly didn’t think that would be a “thing” in a game without a pitstop option but makes sense i guess. Thanks for the input though.
Yeah, running sim damage is just shooting yourself in the foot in FH games.
Nothing but conditions and modifiers that hamstring the player, but don’t apply to the AI.