Why is the lower part of the headlights lighting on the 2016 Audi R8 ? In real life it is not so like in the game. When the lower part isn’t lighting line in real life, the car look more aggressive. Please fix it turn 10 and thank you for the best game. Forza Horizon 3 !!
Different countries have different regulations on light design and illumination. So depending on which countr the r8 in game is models off of, it could he right.
Also, odds of the fixing something this small is slim to noNE because there might be nothing wrong to begin with.
There are many cars in the Forza series that have silly little issues like this. It seems like they model from memory as apposed to photos. A lot of the pre-scanned cars (cars from early games tarted up for Xbox one) suffer from modelling errors with the actual shape of the car. The majority of the scanned cars seem to have issues with textures and datials, like incorrect tint on tail lights wrong DRLs and grilles. If one of the worst modelled cars in Forza, the mk2 Golf GTI never got fixed the chances for the R8 is really slim