2011 Alfa Romeo Giulietta causes crash to desktop.

I can not use the 2011 Alfa Romeo Giulietta. I can run a race but upon completion I hit the continue button and the game crashes to the desktop. This happens constantly in career mode. If I try to use this car in free play the game crashes to the desktop before the game begins. I even tried to save and watch a replay of the race and when I exit out of the replay the game crashes to the destop. I have already tried to re install the LaFerrari car pack to re install the car without success. Has anyone else had this issue? Are there any other cars that cause the game to crash?

This has been mentioned a couple of times before:

Although AFAIK it’s the only car that does this.


That would explain it. Shame I rather like driving that car. It seemed to stick pretty good and was pretty quick at least against the other hot hatches. Maybe a moderator can merge these threads and sticky them so if someone else has the same issue they can find the solution easier. Solution don’t drive that car it is broken. Are the devs looking into why this particular car is causing game crashes?

Has anyone/Can anyone confirm whether this glitches car was fixed in the most recent update? If not I’ll test and report back tonight.


Mine has always worked fine so I can’t check.

It was fixed. Used this car a couple of times since last update and everything was fine.

Alfa Romeos’ are notoriously unreliable. I’m guessing that’s what it is;)


I will test if it was fixed with the latest update. You know it wouldn’t hurt to put out a complete list of fixes Turn10 so we know what was fixed. Last patch was supposed to fix something to do with tunes yet was over 400mb??? What else was fixed???

Its size is mainly due to it containing the latest dlc pack ie the 10 cars from the meguirs car pack.

I does appear to have been fixed. I ran several races on Indy that before hand would crash when exiting the race. You can now use the 2011 Alfa Romeo Giulietta and complete the race as normal. But again if this fix was included in the patch why not mention it?