1/4 Drag Race Help

high… I need someone’s help not really building a drag race tune, but fine tuning one…

I have a RWD alfa romeo gta that will run 8.0’s all day in the 1/4… the fastest that I can get it to go is an 8.042… I feel like it can be a 7.9 car at its very peak but I just need some pointers or some help to really fine tune the car… I’m not looking for it to run 7 seconds all day, I will be happy with a 7.999 once… so any help/tips/pointers will be appreciated…


I just got a quick blind tune down to 7.992 can you tell me what you are running for your camber and spring height? Also what is your gearing ratios? Those three aspects will determine more of your quarter mile speed than anything else. I will keep working on mine, but the tune is posted publicly under “BH321 1/4 Drag”.

mine is rwd by the way lol

I threw one together this evening, was running 8.008 without tcs. I added rear spoiler, that seemed to help the wheel spin in 2nd. I cranked min all the way up on the spoiler. Fairly certain it will go 7.9 w some gear tweakin. Go with tcs 7.9s ez, but I’m not much for tcs. and yes that is rwd

geez you guys are running fast. I need y’alls tune

Well, I guess I will have to join up in the fun. RWD and TCS off is drag racing!! Lol I will mess around with this for a while, see what I can come up with.

Get ya some lol

When I get a chance I’ll post my tune up, so U can compare notes. For the record I did throw the tcs on once to see what it would do, I think I ran 7.991, :-1:t2:

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Cool, just playin about the tcs, it’s forza. Haha This ends up S class, right? Or does it go to R?

Sclass I’m at s760 without rear aero. No worries on the tcs I completely agree. However you’d be surprised how many people were running it in lobbies… Or used to be lol



I’m at s760 914 hp 1693 lbs

Full cage everything race no aero. I saved a video of my tune on my account for some reason my xboxlive is flakey today and xboxdvr website isn’t working so i can’t post here right now.

I ran 7.992 without tcs and 7.958 w tcs. Without tcs, first gear probably should be lengthened a bit but I ran both times with the same tune…

When the xboxdvr site starts working I post a link to the tune and a replay.

I should add w tcs it’s a bit more ins inconsistent. Probably needs a bit of work on that end, launch is hard to nail.

7.992 no tcs

7.958 w tcs

This kinda junk is soooo irritating!!! I just build 2, one with twin turbos, 778 PI, 914 hp, 615 lbft, 1699 lbs. One with Supercharger, 814 hp, 493 lbft, 1728 lbs. Prolly guess which is quicker but since the only way to get a time is online and despite doing a full unplug restart of the ol’ xbox, i cant join a lobby!! Rediculous!! Way to go turn 10!! Internet is just fine, 28.8 mbps and 4.55 upload.

Ok, venting done…kinda, lol.

Anyway, once I can get an actual time, I will let you all know. Past history says we’ll be close but you may be a tick quicker Don.

Had problems online as well today, I think I got the extra 6 lbs or so by removing the bumpers…

Took a few screen shots of my gears and recorded a couple test runs on my feed thing. Theres a couple not so successfully clips too, lol. Bouncing off the back bumper! Oops.

I was able to get a 3 runs in. Best was an 8.2. Have some gearing work to do along with getting rid of the wheelie. I’ll keep at it.

I’m running a 2.25 final 3.55,2.22,1.57

Try running the front rebound up to about 2.9, should help w the wheelie

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I need to learn from the pros…

Can’t do much better than XxDyno DonxX as the proverbial Drag Yoda. I’m happy seeing more people getting into drag racin’!

Alpha rwd quarter mile tune

NOT MY DAY!!! Just wrote a big thing on here about my car and got the “something went wrong” error message when I went to post. That combined with not being able to launch this dang car.

I put in what you have as a tune and can’t get better than a 8.20. I’m guessing this might be one of the “clutch favored” cars and I’m not using it. I do still have the rear spoiler, Maybe that’s it also. I shared the tune from last night, also getting consistant 8.2s with it. It’s got the 4.35 rear gear. I shared a paint job, still have a bunch of drag sponsor logos to make, but i have a couple done.

Maybe a different day I can get the launch down and get the times you’re getting, possibly even go with clutch. I hate that clutch can be THAT big of a deal sometimes. Anyway, just not feeling it today. If it’s me and my driving, maybe it’s faster in others hands. Either way, I will keep at it, just not today.