Can somebody from the Turn 10 Community Team please inform me of what infractions I have committed to get banned. I spend most of my time in the paint booth, and trying to learn how to tune. Due to my poor quality of internet, I am not able to race multiplayer, so I just race the career part of the game. But I’ve had this happen before, first it’s a week. Then a month, and then 20 years! I would like to know how to prevent this from happening, as I have been a long time fan of Forza.
Certainly, in a blanket coverage the items you’ve been flagged for are violations of the Xbox Live Code of Conduct. They range from illegally attempting to sell liveries for which you don’t have permission from the creator to be selling to profanity. These go back to Forza Motorsport 2 in December, 2011, through and including implied profanity in Forza Motorsport 6 earlier this month.
Neither bans nor the enforcement of the Code of Conduct by Turn 10 employees are discussed on these forums. You may send an email to Turn 10 at if you wish. Given the history over nearly five years, one would believe you need to better understand the regulations.