XxMrThornexX Designs

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

Ive been painting on forza since FM2 and i must say it has recently become a big passion of mine. Im starting to get back into the paint booth to produce many different designs. My main focus will be portraits, characters and a strong favorite of mine; gothic girls.

Im chucking together a few designs at the minute and would rather appreciate it if you could give me a follow in game and download a few of my designs and groups! I will be accepting requests for now just to help get back into the swing of things.

Watch this space!!

First design is a Japanese themed character:
Image 1

Gothic girl:






Updated - Gothic girl added

Audi and ferrari on Auction House now for cheap :slight_smile: Buy now while you can!

Bump, check out my storefront xxmrthornexx