[XBOX] Rewards Credits for FM7 Were Applied to FM6 Profile

I started the install for the Ultimate Edition on my Xbox One, and while it was installing I headed over to Forza Hub to check my rewards. It showed that I had a reward of 100,000 credits and another of 25,000 credits, which I assume was to be applied in FM7. But when I checked after FM7 finished installing, they were not there. I opened Forza 6 today, and it turns out the credits ended up getting applied to my FM6 profile. Is there any way that I can get them transferred to my FM7 profile? I could use the credits in FM7 much more than FM6.


Have you checked under gifts in the messages section
That 25k would have been because you went up a tier
Should have both messages in fm7 as well
Have you tried going back to the Forza hub and checking as well