Forza. Add a Feature were you can Record In Game & in Reply Mode to Report Unsportsmanlike Behaviour the user can Submit Clip & it will then Automatically submit Game Clip within The Game to Forza Support Automatically make so you can only do it once so the system won’t Get miss Used
You can save replay after you finish the race, then view it and record unsportsmanlike content to submit on any player…
Yes but its all separated rather than within the game itself i don’t have QR scan or social media Witch i stay away from the current method is very limited
The QR code just takes you to submit a ticket for unsportsmanlike conduct pretty much… just gotta know the gamertag of the person along with a clip.
Yes however I don’t have QR code on my phone & I’m probably not the only one that Hasn’t
This is the Forza Website to submit a ticket to.
Your Not understanding the Post the current method isn’t Reliable for Everyone i Don’t have Social media or a QR code on my phone there for the current system Isn’t streamlined & I Do Not want Social media there’s far to much toxicity.
the current system is a pain in the butt and a joke. i have never played a online game where i have to use a website to report someone. i should just have to click on someones name in the driverlist and select a cause for the report and be done with it. like all other games today.
I Feel Exactly the Same Way thankyou for sharing your Opinion this helps encourage a Discussion