Xbox One save file corrupted

I can no longer advance in the game. Booted it up last night and was in a car I did not recognize. It was also the only car in my garage (I should have 40+). My level displays correctly and road discovery on the map is accurate, but any championship I pick just zooms in on an empty area of the map. Also, all my perks are gone, even though the stats page shows my correct number of earned perks. Local save and cloud save have the same issue. Any workaround for this? I just want my career progression back, I’ll rebuy cars.

Uninstall game & reinstall it. On completion (100%) hard reset your console & it might help. I had the same issues but this helped me to regain my stuff.

Hope this helps

I appreciate the suggestion. Tried it though and no dice.

Is there ever gonna be a proper repair for this issue by either Turn10 or Microsoft? Who cares who it is just fix it for gods sake!

Its an issue thats been going on from forza 5 . Lets hope there will be a permanent fix for forza 6 (fingers crossed)

Although you are correct in saying the FM5 displayed/displays similar behavior, the issue has been occurring on other titles (other than Forza) as well.

I am very curious, although a void question since bucketloads of people just post without referring to older topics, if 1000 people post this issue, how many of them have gone through the usual troubleshooting first (or in recent days) and comply with the bandwidth-requirements as outlined in the Xbox-requirements and have got the console/region set to the one that is actually theirs (and not different for buying stuff in stores).

Sad to hear these kind of stuff are still happening. luckyly i have encountered any of this . i had a similar problem on forza 5 and i resolved it by reinstalling the game and the cloud did its magic .im guessing you could try that ,hope i could help !!!
Game on !!!

That’s unfortunate mate, try contacting support & see if they can assist you. It’s very annoying when these things happen.

I guess none of these game-killing bugs gets acknowledged officially here…