Xbox One Resume Game Quickly (Beta)

Has anyone tried out the “Resume games quickly” for the Xbox One? It is under the Power and Startup on the Xbox Settings.

I was curious because I tried it out for Forza and like it. I can pause a race if I need to go somewhere and do something, and turn the Xbox off, and when I come back turn the Xbox back on and load up Forza and throws me right back into the race again. It is really nice, but I am worried it could increase the chance of a save corruption.

Has anyone been using it a lot and had no problems with it?

Edit: This was supposed to be put in the General Xbox Discussion section, not the Forza Motorsport 5 section.

I haven’t had any issues yet…

I love this feature as I can get into playing very quickly. ZERO issues yet. Only annoyance is that FM5 asks me to confirm who I am when I have already logged in.

Turned it on quite literally on day one. Don’t recall having an issue, but for some reason I purposely turned it off again about a month ago.

Really bugs me too. I know there was a specific reason I turned it off. Something I read I think. Just don’t remember what it was.


If you play FIFA and use it it will not allow you to sign into the EA servers. I hated it, my xbox also got laggy after a few days and I had to hard restart it often.

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I Have had this turned on since initial setup but never really knew it’s functionality until this thread. Thanks!

I havent had any issues with the save so far, everything is fine for me