There is something new nearly every time i play the game and i keep forgetting to post the problems, so I’m gonna start collecting them here. But first:
I started playing Forza 7 on a regular Xbox One with the game beeing on an external HDD. It was horrible. Crashes ALL the time. Especialy when scrolling through cars or rims. I switched now to the new Xbox One X and put Forza on an external SSD. It is much better now, but still crashes. So here goes my list:
The game crashes when scrolling through my owned cars fast. (Update: Still happening 08.12.2017)
In Multiplayer lobbies most of the time my friends and I can’t see the cars and drivers of each other before the race. Sometimes they appear for a brief moment before going invisible again. The only thing visible is two small shadows, where the feet of the drivers should be. NAT is open for everyone of us. (Update: STILL happening 17.01.2018)
Me and my friends only play in private lobies with me beeing the host. However, whenever my game crashes and I get booted back to the dashboard I can’t reconnect to them. I only get as far as the Multiplayer-hopper overview but can’t join the still open lobbie. So I have to open a new one and invite everybody all over again, adjust the settings all over again and so on.
Cars lose their designs while in the menu und become plain grey. Sometimes the decals stay on and the just loose the color. Sometimes both. (Update: Still happening 27.11.2017)
We all play with the Logitech G920. Sometimes at the start of a game, one or two of us get no reaction from the wheel at the start of the race. Only thing helping is a complete restart of the affected consoles.
6… Sometimes the button for changing the camera setting is not working. The only to make it respond again is to go into the settings, adjust the camera back and forth and go back into the race. Now it will work without Problems. (Update: Still happening 02.12.2017)
One of my friends was able to control his car in the pre race lobbie the last time we played. He could steer the wheels and spin his tires while the car stayed stationary.
Forzathon not updating (again…) (23.11.2017)
Game froze completely while loading a track in free play. (23.11.2017)
My Porsche 944 turbo took over the design of my Porsche 962C (25.11.2017)
User Designs are not loading for other drivers to see in Multiplayer. (Update: Still happening 06.12.2017)
Multiple cars start with 3-5 second delays in league racing (06.12.2017)
No lights (front and rear) at night (17.01.2018)
Now the game crashes sometimes even when I’m scrolling slowly through my cars (08.12.2017)
Game crashed after I voted to kick someone in league play (10.12.2017)
In career (sport compact) on Homestead Road Circuit in the rain a drivatar stopped in the middle of the road in round 6 of 10 and stayed there till the end. (10.12.2017)
I’m writing this at work of the top of my head, but will keep updating this in the future. Also english is not my first language, so I’m sorry about the (lots of) mistakes.
1-The achivement fully complete seeker championship doesn’t pop, I already finished completely all the races and showcases and the achivement doesn’t pop.
2- At the evolution championship in the nostalgic drag racers after the first race when you receive the credits the money sound glitches and doesn’t stop playing for the all championship, i even tried to get out of the championship and re enter but even in the menus the money sound doesn’t stop.
Please turn 10, solve the issues and release an update.
I second this, 10d 9h 47m playing time just got wiped. Somebody needs to fix this, and by that I mean, really quick. Was looking forward to playing over the holiday… over this.
Is it freezing completely or just stuck on loading track constantly?
If loading tracking constantly, go to race setup, select circuit race, timed race, circuit race, or just hit Y to reset to default, then set it up the way you want and try it
I would suggest leaving a game like Forza on the Xbox internal HDD for better performance. Some games run fine from the external but forza is not one of those games.
Can we add to this list if we have experienced issues not already listed?
Rivals times not updating to leaderboard. I beat my rival and it showed my time, after the race the leaderboard time and position did not change and it still shows this player as my next rival.
Forzathon poorly updating.
Potential total loss of game save. I’ve only lost a few races worth but it included claiming my 425k Forza rewards which I lost.
Grey liveries with or without decals - happens even with stock paints on race cars.
Player name not appearing for tune by or livery by in multiplayer. Playing with friends in private lobbies as well here, sometimes the gamertag shows up and sometimes it doesn’t.
With little to no correlation to the previous bullet, livery shows up for only some people in lobby. I have a car with a design but not everyone can see the design. Sometimes I see it but others can’t, sometimes they see it but it doesn’t appear for me. When this happens the person doesn’t get credit for the design being used. (Were using each other’s designs so this can be tracked).
Ridiculous AI rubber-banding on certain tracks. Some tracks are much more obvious and blatant than others - VIR and Road America are pretty bad. You can tell it’s rubber banding because the AI is totally and completely inconsistent over many laps or various races and their lap times and race times vary with my own on the same difficulty.
The AI drivatars are generally just not good. This is an issue because most other racing games have stepped up their AI game and they generally seem to work. Forza still has terrible AI that don’t behave poorly and seem to be incapable of driving in the rain. I’d be all for getting rid of “drivatars” in favor of the old fashioned boring AI that worked.
Annoying cash register coin counting sound after a race. Sometimes it starts all on its own as the podium scene starts. Other times it’s at various stages of the rewards scenes. Only solutions seem to be waiting it out and going to the main menu or restarting the game.
That’s it off the top of my head. I’ll share more as they happen.
Yeah, again I’m just collecting everything happening to me while playing. But I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. No one is looking at the stuff we’re writing here or how else can you explain absolutely no reaction to the community?
I’ll think of some use when I get to 100 entries or something. This is ridiculous.
In career (sport compact) on Homestead Road Circuit in the rain a drivatar stopped in the middle of the road in round 6 of 10 and stayed there till the end. (10.12.2017)