Issues with multiplayer black screens etc

This last week has been terrible for black screens inbetween races. And another big issue whilst waiting for the race to start in the lobby. For some reason its not selecting alot of racers for the start of the race. Which is a bad bug to have happening. Could a dev please look in to this if possible.

Thanks Stoner

Yep, getting a lot of game freezes and crashes to the Xbox dashboard lately too. Selecting a car in MP and suddenly this annoying “grrrshhhhhzzzzzshhh” sound and back to the dashboard again. Astounding how buggy the whole MP menu is after six months. It became even worse over the time if I’m being honest.

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IMO they should ditch the pitlane pre race screen and just keep the loading screen, the pit lane ain’t fooling anyone into thinking there ay a track day. It’s also much easier to have a gander at other people’s cars when in the loading screen rather than in the pit lane we’re the UI half covers everything.

But yes the bugs are so bad, I’m lucky to get 3 races before I have to quit or the game crashes, or cars get stacked and jumbled on screen and I can’t even use the UI at all.

I just posted a thread asking about the same thing in the technical support forum, but am glad someone posed it here where it will probably get more visibility. I’m lucky to get more than two consecutive races without the game crashing.

I’m understanding and forgiving of bugs and flaws, but must admit this is particularly egregious. This sort of thing should not be happening six months after release.

It’s really frustrating that turn 10 seem to be doing nothing about it (easy to see why this long after release)

On the rare occasion I can go a full day without a crash, at its worst I crash every time I return to the lobby after a multiplayer race. I generally get 3 races between each crash to dashboard. Black screens and cars filling the entire screen covering the UI I can sort of deal with but the constant crashing to dashboard is awful. Happens on both my standard Xbox and Xbox one x.

Forza 7 is the most unstable game I have played this generation and my patience can only go so far (40 days time played so far)

The longer this goes on the less interested I am in purchasing future expansions or car packs as I have little faith in turn 10 and I am losing faith in the game engine which could prevent me purchasing horizon 4 from the more competent playground games.

I thought a large team of developers would have the resources to fix such game breaking bugs but instead are content to fill the game with car packs prioritizing short term profit at the sacrifice of its loyal fan base, very worrying times for the health of the game.

Fresh off another crash here. Glad to see it’s not just me, however it’s unfortunate others are experiencing the same. But man, is this not like game making 101? Gotta have some pretty big development cracks for this to slip through.

The optimist in me hopes this is the “ship blocker” in the new content update and they are currently fixing it.

Mechberg said the car avalanche issue will be addressed in the April CU in a Forza Friday a few weeks back. What is really needed is an option to disable menu animations. No one cares about animated menus Turn 10 if they can’t be made to move in a reasonable manner. Hopefully the black screen too in the patch but he specifically said the car pile up.

Agreed. I am 100% in favor of removing “features” if they have to in order to make MP run smoother. Glad to hear at least part of the issue is being addressed.