[XBOX] Latest patch still hasnt solved track disappearing issues

Another patch, another disappointment. Watkins Glen still disappears an crashes my game. Can not progress career mode still an have to back out when online with friends. What am I meant to do? Go out an buy another Xbox? Are you gonna fund this for me Turn 10 as every other game I’ve played hasnt had a tenth of the problems Forza 7 is having. Re-downloaded three times an still the same crap.

I got the track disappearing stuff on a few tracks but never during a race. Always right after a race ends, it goes to the bumper cam and just as you see the results screen pop up, right before that it disappears for hardly a second and pops back in. Nothing major.

For those who are having their games crash, do a full hard reset which includes disconnecting the brick for 2-3 mins.

Same thing happens to me on Prague track disappears and then crashes. Also Homestead is completely unplayable game crashes before race starts. Latest update did nothing.

I have the ultimate edition and been using it since the first day and I have had zero technical problems with it running on the original Xbox One platform. I can understand the problems with PC’s, that’s a mine field waiting to go off regarding all the hardware differences, drivers, other installed software and such. The Xbox is a closed system where everyone is running the same stuff (OS wise and drivers) so I would think if others are having a problem then I should be also, but I am not.