XBO: Barn Find Will Not Trigger

So, I have waiting through 3 Game Updates with the Barn Find just North West of Castelletto not wanting to trigger the animation event that would collect the car from the garage and send it off for resto. This is greatly more frustrating now that I progress further in the game to see if would trigger later, however… I ended up with another Barn Find Rumor which I was able to find (Birdcage) with out issue. The previous one it still listed on the World Map as not found.

I was so excited for this game to come out. But I have had this issue since near day-one. Wish the guys down the road at Turn 10 would have just pushed back the release and attempted to make the actual functionality of the game events work 100% of the time. The Publisher & Distribution Houses need to realize people are willing to wait a little longer for something that works 10x better.

It doesn’t work that way, for two reasons. First, 100% bug free is not simply possible in systems as complex as modern video games, in any practical sense. Second, and relatedly, you would not be waiting a little longer, you would have to wait a LOT longer. Each remaining bug requires more effort (higher cost) to find and correct, and affects the game less (lower benefit), than the previous one (that’s why the fixed ones were fixed first). Diminishing returns at work…

No were did I say “100% Bug Free”, the basic functionality is what I want 100%. That is why the Console Companies like Nintendo, Sony and MS have to certify that the games will work before they are release. This began back on the NES and their Authentic Seal and in the end why we ended up with security bits preventing 3rd Party developers from just making their own games and releasing them. That is something that was address later down the road.

Secondly, I am going to use GT5 as a example. GT5 was supposed to be a Console release title for the PS3. However it had been pushed back and pushed back for years, YES… YEARS! I still waited and the anticipation got to me so much I Pre-Ordered the Collectors edition. Back to my point. The core functions of the game are the most tested. Now they do come across issues that occur 1 out of 100 times. They could consider that as permissible risk to ship to the customer and promise to look at the issue and possibly fix it in the future. (Look at Borderlands, horribly buggy but so much fun) Having issues in game isn’t a deal breaker unless it prevents further completion of the game and since this issue will prevent a Achievement from unlocking in the end and the only resolution to the issue is starting all over and you would have to be hours in to game play to have this issue it should have been a higher priority issue.

Finally, your point of “Diminishing returns”. This game along has a very short development cycle. FH being based off the same physics engine as FM5 and the models been created for FM5 it cost them very little compared to FM4 or FM3 to develop. FH1 and FH2 were slapped together on the fly in attempts to broaden the end return to every party involved. Considering you can still find a ton a visual issues with the vehicles that carry from game to game due to not fixing the issues. So to summarize this for you: Forza Horizon 2 has a very small budget that most possibly the majority going in to making the environment and licensing of branding for the cars. I doubt fixing the core functionality of the game that has nothing to do with the physics engine would regress them too far back to have as huge of a impact as you are attempting to portray.

BTW, the Barn Find is still broken.

For the record:

I received a Update that resolved the issue with this Barn Find. I ended up getting a Ferrari 250GTB. I am glad they finally devised a fix for this and now my Achievement has been un-blocked.

Sad that this made it to release, however I am glad that Turn 10 made good on a fix.

This must be a strange bug cause I have not head of anyone else having this issue.

Were you progressing through the solo play? To unlock all the barn finds you must progress far enough in the actual solo game play and discoveries - such as roads driven, boards smashed - and stats - miles driven, skills performed, cars purchased - and what not. If you don’t play the game the barn finds don’t unlock.

My 3rd barn find will not trigfer either and it is maling me extremelly angry as too the barn finds being my favorite cars and i love the volkswagon van and t is my favorite and i did a few chanpionships just to UNLOCK the third car its my fav i have seen the guide… anyone know how to fix it???

Keep playing the single player - the barn finds are not unlocked in a predictable pattern so your only option is to keep playing until you have completed whatever is required. If you keep playing the agme they will all unlock in time.

Well i unlocked it and it popped up on the map and i drove up to it and it wont trigger and start.

Oh, I see. I’ve had that happen a couple of times.

Try driving away, you have to approach the barn from the front of the building (the doors that would open) and slowly drive towards them. It’s lame but if you hit the barn or drive too fast it won’t register it as the barn find but as you passing by ad it will then, even though you’re right in front of the door, not trigger the cutscene.

Approach from the doors, drive slowly, and stop every few feet to double check.

and as is suggested for almost all issues with Xbone, try a hard reset too…not just the basic on and off

and as is suggested for almost all issues with Xbone, try a hard reset too…not just the basic on and off

Like uninstalling and reinstalling the game?

Like uninstalling and reinstalling the game?

No…this is how you do a hard reset properly

Originally Posted by: Snowowl
The proper method to reset the Xbox One console is to exit any game you may be in in the Dashboard, then hold the Big X button on the One until the unit shuts itself down. Then remove the external power pack plug from the wall (or at least the wall-side connector on the pack. Now do something else for about three minutes. After that, plug the power back in and check the light on the power pack. It will be white at first, then turn orange. While orange, start up the One as you normally do.

You will have a green screen for 10-30 seconds as the system does a self-check, and then will boot into the main Dashboard. Logon to Xbox LIVE and then check the download section for games to make sure all is complete. After that, you can again launch the game.

K thanks ill try it tomorrow

they have something to do with the number of roads I think. BTW Barn find: Can’t buy the car again, that’s disappointing (I want two Miura’s for example)

While roads driven may be a factor there seems to be multiple factors at work - just like the first Horizon.