Winter #Forzathon Shop, Festival Playlist events and rewards through March 5

Anyone encountered any absolute arseholes using the Caterham for the Playground Games event, and hiding between two of the train carriages which other cars can’t fit down?

Haha LOL

No, but seen others in the Mini doing it before. It’s a valid move if you ask me . LOL

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Exactly. If you notice it, that means you can do it just as easily.

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Clever move that happened to me once ages ago. I never let a chance pass. Available car, go for it.
Induces rage quitting, yet it’s only one part of the series of 5. About only thing the Caterham good for IMO.
The Minis are really fun in PGG.
First time I saw it, the team the Mini was on lost, so it’s not universal doom. Really funny to watch though.

BTW on speed zone, the FE Buggy with any decent tune knocks it out nicely. Easier to generously ignore corner edges. It’s the buggy up by the Apollo, can’t recall name. 1st pass.

No, if you ‘notice it’ but are in a wider car, which is most of them, you can’t do it at all. It’s not a fair move imo. The game shouldn’t permit it.

Then choose a different car? Stop being so serious about Playground GAMES. It is fair, you’re just choosing to not take advantage of it. Let’s just put small spaces in OOB status, what a crock.

It’s an exploit. That’s my opinion.

yes …

Of course (but it was a Mini btw)

I didn’t even know the Caterham could fit through there. No one used a Caterham when I played, everyone was using BAC Monos.

If its of any help, Hoonigan RS200 uses tune 353 169 888 and Agaera RS 879 509 163. I used Agera in this setup for all jumps, most speed traps and zones to 3 star them.

I also don’t use TC or SC, only ABS - kbd driver.

It’s even funnier to jump on top of the building in the quarry and watch people try to get to you :D.


Welp. One of the daily challenges this week is to 3 star a drift zone… I’ve only managed to 2 star a few of the zones. So no completion bonus this week for me… very frustrating.

Not with that attitude.

Posted this in other thread too:
Festival drift zone needs 30k to 3 star, takes just second and if it went wrong, you can just do circles and try again.
I’m also bad at drifting, but I did it with my ol Camaro PO, with winter tires and set for grip and not for drifting. Would be even easier if I’d use manual transmission and left it in 2nd gear.

Thanks! I was struggling to drift in the snow, for some reason the scoring doesn’t go up in the snow properly.

It’s annoying isn’t it. Seems to be very small track limits and it’s impossible to see where they are when the whole width of the road is covered in snow.

Even on the blue lines the score wasn’t going up, it seems that snowy tracks have some weirdness.

dont you love lazy dev. re hased and make it ever harder… with the most hated zones.

Isn’t it Torben Tuesday today?