Winter #Forzathon Shop, Festival Playlist events and rewards through March 5

Some tricky PR stunts this time around but the speed zone gave me the most trouble. I tried the speed trap a few times with the Agera to no avail but got 220 mph first try with the Ferrari 599XX E. Got 716 ft or something like that on the danger sign first try with the Hoonigan RS200 and after many tries barely cracked 97 mph with the same car.

tha van race… what a buggy pos that is. card are handling the the point of i need to start turning a block before i hit yellow flags and the car want to jack knife left or right… on its own accord. i watch it do it in jumps mid air jumps…
please who ever is the manger of QA please higher me… i am doing a better job at bug testing then who ever doing it now.


Not had a chance to jump onto the Trial or do the Playground yet, but I’ve done the three championships done.

Championship: “Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane?” | Dirt Racing | (A800) Vans and Utility
Car Used: 2016 HSV Limited Edition Gen-F GTS Maloo
Tune: Bruce - 114 678 469

This one wasn’t too much of a problem. Only real issue I had was when I went to tune my Maloo. Felt kind of bad about giving it the front Roo Bar to drop PI to squeeze more engine upgrades out of it, but it managed to work. Didn’t really run into too much trouble on any of the races.

Championship: “Magnum Lotus” | Road Racing | (A800) Lotus cars
Car Used: 1956 Lotus Eleven
Tune: Rocket (W) - 406 204 142

Oh my… this series… this car… I complained last week about being unable to tune? I think I hit a jackpot with this one. I tend to lean on acceleration when I do my own tunes, and this one is good for that. Case in point: At Lakehust Copse, I went from last on the grid to 5th by the first turn. And for the fun of it, I decided to screencap the lap times just to show how much kick this car had:

3.7 seconds back to second, and a lap time that was nearly a second faster than anybody else. And this was against Unbeatable drivatars. I think I can confidently hang my hat on this tune.

Championship: “Piste of Cake” | Cross Country | (S1 900) Extreme Offroad
Car Used: AMG Transport Dynamics Warthog
Tune: SnowHog - 424 005 701

Like a lot of people suggested, taking the Warthog from the weekly challenge into this kills two birds with one stone. Not much to add, but I can verify my tune can get three stars at the Slate Quarry Speed Trap with room to spare.

When I get more time this weekend, I’ll dive into the Co-Op Trial and see what damage I can do.


Magnum Lotus: 1999 Elise Series 1 Sport 190
Grab my tune. This was seriously easy mode. So easy. So much fun!

Piste of Cake: Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Deberti Design
Another easy mode. I used my tune, but I’m sure this one’s a beast regardless.

PR Stunt Speed Trap : Ferrari 599XX E (I downloaded a 300mph + grip tune), but still very difficult this one! Lots of rewind

PR Stunt Speed Zone and Danger Sign: Hoonigan RS200 (any X class tune should nail it).

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Hi all,

Cars/tunes/suggestions for this weeks seasonal. All tunes are my own, all shared. ~ tune name / share code.

Online events;
**Trial: “Snow Mercy” | Dirt Racing | (S1 900) Rally Monsters
**Car used: 1978 Hoonigan Ford Escort RS1800 (Autoshow 300,000 Cr)
**Tune: S900 Rally Trial / 680 307 281

The first track is where the car will be at its weakest, however more than possible to beat the A.I. here. The car does not take knocks well (A.I. force-field) , avoid contact with other cars if at all possible - naturally this should be the goal anyway, but the first turn on tracks in the trial can be a mess. Rally/snow tires, AWD, forza air.

**Seasonal Playground Games | Rail Yard | (S1 900) Track Toys
**Car used: 2014 BAC Mono (Autoshow 160,000 Cr)
**Tune: S1 Games Winter / 153 624 733

Take a P.I. S1 900 car, add rally/snow tires, AWD swap, still have P.I. for some handling and power upgrades equals P.I. S1 900, easy! Very quick acceleration, great grip off ice, good grip on ice, super light, very nimble.

Solo championships - Raced against Expert, Steering: Simulation, ABS: on, Traction/Stability; Off, Gearbox: Auto.

Have only done one of the solo/non online events so far - combined with the weekly for the Warthog, as suggested elsewhere in this thread.

**Championship: “Piste of Cake” | Cross Country | (S1 900) Extreme Offroad
**Car used: 2554 AMG Transport Dynamics Warthog CST (Autoshow 850,000 Cr)
**Tune: S1 Offroad / 101 808 078

Not a full S1 900 P.I. tune, as it can not make it. Engine swapped for the 7.2L V8, with twin turbos. I find the handling on the Warthog to be too ‘loose’ for my liking, have tried to tighten it up with the tune, however still has that too much sliding in corners Warthog issue, as such you need to turn in sooner than might feel you should (at least this is how I feel when driving it).

PR Stunts:
-Derwent Water Speed Zone, 1978 Hoonigan Ford Escort RS1800 - ‘S900 Rally Trial’ (680 307 281) - same as for trial above,

Did the two below with traction control on.
-Lower Fell Speed Trap, 2019 Rimac Concept Two, rally/snow tires, no tune, this trap, what an amazingly annoying stunt for winter!!! I ran from way back past the railway crossing to get speed, cut the first shallow corner, and cut right across through the field on the last corner - use rewind, break fences, rewind, hope for the best!
-Mudkickers’ Showjump Danger Sign, 2019 Rimac Concept Two, rally/snow tires, no tune.


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Hi all, and now the rest.

Cars/tunes/suggestions for this weeks seasonal. All tunes are my own, all shared. ~ tune name / share code.

Solo championships - Raced against Expert, Steering: Simulation, ABS: on, Traction/Stability; Off, Gearbox: Auto.

**Championship: “Magnum Lotus” | Road Racing | (A800) Lotus cars
**Car used: 1956 Lotus Eleven (Autoshow 140,000 Cr)
**Tune: A800 Road RWD / 147 629 102

RWD - if it matters. If you can handle the car/tune at the first track, Horizon Festival Circuit - the rest is easy. Tune has RWD and Forza air.

**Championship: “Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane?” | Dirt Racing | (A800) Vans and Utility
**Car used: 1965 Ford Transit (Car Pass, Autoshow 25,000 Cr)
**Tune: A800 Dirt AWD / 141 335 726

Two choices here, both will work well. First is the car pass 1965 Transit, Transit to win a Transit. Tune is AWD, engine swapped for 7L V8, supercharged, Forza air with rally/snow tires.
On a side note - I really tired to make a RWD tune here as well, but the game physics regarding RWD drive in this game is complete trash at times. The power you end up with just getting into A class made this extremely difficult to drive with RWD offroad, it was better on tarmac, which is not helpful for a dirt/cross country event - so AWD it is.

Second option, GMC from an event from last week, tested, easy win:
**Car used: 1983 GMC Vandura G-1500 (Autoshow 25,000 Cr)
**Tune: A800 Dirt AWD / 610 951 183

AWD, engine swapped for 6.2L V8, supercharged, rally/snow tires.


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Trying to get used to driving the new Vulcan around, it feels strange. You have to brake at the last second, and take the bends at high speed. The Ai all replicate this behaviour no matter what car they are driving. It tells me that the Ai cars are based on whatever car you are driving.

The Vulcan AMR is a grippy beast. It’s awesome!

Also, put me down as another who used the Maloo. It made winning the Supervan 3 super easy.

The Forzathon where you have to win 3x cross country with the Warthog, someone made an extremely short custom route at the train yard that zigzags through a shed. All the AI’s get stuck. You simply go around the shed because the first gate is on the other side, and through to the finish line. LOL!

I rather check the starting place and make a route leading AI into forest and back, while finish gate is just in front of start line, so just drive straight and done. I made a few of those for Forzathon challenges, useful if the certain car is just not what would you take on such track or takes too much time.

I also did play around with Lotus cars some more, tuned Esprit V8 - good speed, but lacks some grip, then tried 340R - lacks top speed, but great acceleration and grips for days :slight_smile:

Seriously, try the 1999 Elise Series 1 Sport 190 with my tune. Acceleration and grip galore - it carves up the curves with ease. It really feels like cheating in this comp. LOL

For players who need help: Percents, Tunes and Rewards:
Festival Playlist Events WINTER: Until 05/03/20 - SERIES19
50% Series 19: ATS GT 2018
80% Series 19: BMW E92 ME GTS

Forza Horizon 4: Percents, Tunes and Rewards - Until 05/03/20 ** SERIES 19 **

Code Share Codes Event Blueprints - Forzathon: Chapter 3 in 7 seconds
CODE RACE WARTHOG: 451 354 886
CODE TUNE WARTHOG: 758 359 578
CODE TUNE BAC MONO 2014: 147 826 409
CODE TUNE PORSCHE SPYDER 918 2014: 144 611 806
CODE TUNE MOSLER MT900S 2010: 187 290 668
CODE TUNE LOTUS ELISE 111S 200: 924 525 121

Forza Horizon 4: Rewards * Until 05/03/20 ** SERIES 19 ** WINTER

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Anyone having trouble with the daily challenge “A dickens of a job”? I’ve gotten 4-5 ultimate skill chains with each of several different cars and it still says I have 0/3. I started last night. I even had a Single skill chain go up to like 353,000 which would equal about 15 ultimate skill chains. Super confused as to why it’s not registering any.

try doing a hard reboot imst. i had the game corrupt on one of this job.

I finally got around to getting the Trial Co-Op finished, but keep having bad luck with teammate drop-out with the Playground Games. But instead of waiting on both, I’ll just say my peace about the Trial.

The Trial Co-Op Championship: “Snow Mercy” | Dirt Racing | (S1 900) Rally Monsters
Car Used: 2017 Ford M-Sport Fiesta RS
Tune: SnowPlow - 911 879 587

Took me three tries to get the Trial beat. All three times my team got the first race one. First time I had what I would describe as a group of ‘pinballs’, if you catch what I mean. Second and third times I had a decent team. However…

As far as I’m concerned, Lakehurst is friggin’ cursed. Take one led to me getting pinballed out of a checkpoint once or twice. Take two and my good team didn’t fare better… AND my cat decided to be a cat and made it impossible for me to focus. Take three was like take two, but without the cat. Lost it all three times.

Ashbrook wasn’t all that bad. First go, pinballs. Enough said. Second go I was still riled up from my cat and drove horribly, doing a lot of fence redecoration. Third attempt I was focused and got a good drive out of myself and my teammates.

As for my tune: it was an experiment. The Ashbrook race showed me that it tops out at 160, but it still handles good with the snow tires. I picked the car mostly out of a desire to try something a little out of the ordinary for me. I almost went with the GRC Fiesta, but figured that’d be as fun.


the 2 speed zones. am having massive issue with. tuns and cars need would help me. i tried the mosler and cant get the speed for it

For speed zone you need something with rally / snow tires, I used Hoonigan RS200, tuned to S2 class. You might want to try and run it both ways, as I was faster in one way, then another.
For speed trap I used Agera RS with X offroad tune, but here you also need luck on how the traffic runs. Rewind might be useful here, to get that corner right.

i will try. the mosler keep loosing grip on the the corners of ether side.

You just have to be very daring on the bends.

I downloaded Stevio2175 tune and it was pretty easy after. He has a video as well.