Winter #Forzathon Shop, Festival Playlist events and rewards through December 10


Hi, about this situation I think you don’t have to, because, I am a competitive player who strives to compete and try to have the best cars, there are casual players who don’t even care about it, they play for fun, so you are not obliged fazerse likes to be a casual player

That’s presenting it as a binary choice:

  1. Nothing to do
  2. Stuff you have to do to unlock new cars

But it’s a false dochotomy, because of another option:
3. Have stuff that is available to do if people want to do it, but isn’t required to obtain any content that can affect ranked play or leaderboard position.

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Lots of venting and lots of opinions… With all of the talk on the mudkickers jump I tried to set up an autoshow car for it and settled on the 98 Supra. It’s affordable, upgradeable 2jz to 1601hp and has a super wheelspin and 100k cr for 24 points in the perks. After many attempts made a new pb that really surprised me. Posted to Twitter HERE. This was a big jump over my previous best, crazy.

There are a few things that helped me get better at this jump, some already mentioned. The bumps upset the car on the approach but it pretty consistently shifts the car to the right a bit. The bumps and the soft uneven ground also mean that the car generally won’t go where you want to go under too hard of acceleration. Getting the car up to speed and just maintaining it until in the pipes, then going for it has worked the best for me.

Probably mentioning this out of order but the aero makes a difference in my distance. The aero front and rear pushes your car down when you’re traveling forward whether on the road or in the air. Taking it off completely has made a big difference for my danger sign scores.

98 Supra winter rally tune shared 609 842 300

For the games I’ve been using an entertaining 81 scirocco tune that looks mostly stock, just rear aero set to min and rear tire width, 983 145 771

Edit: 1.5 round trips on the divided highway in solo accomplished the threading the needle reqs. The parked cars is a great option that I always forget about.

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Compared to other games you get the stuff in fh4 ‘for free’

In FH4 do a championship 10-15minutes and here is your car
Spin the wheel and here is 10mil car or whatever
everyone can do the things in seasonplaylist ‘nothing’ is required mostly u have the car already or its cheap in auctionhouse
take a picture of some car for a superwheelspin
and so on

played thecrew2 and thats true bs
in weekly summits u have forced vehicles but this means buy with real money or play hours to get some ingame money
you can equip your car with +money items and do 50x same track or the 5x newyork track wich is ~30minutes
after hours of playing u have enough money to buy the car and it allows u todo one thing of summit
repeat same steps to complete everything
but u get a free car for top 3000 only
no way for new players without real money or many hours of bs
even with seasonpass wich is -20% for vehicles

for new players fh4 is great u can have nearly every car in a month
the auctionhouse allows u to get powerfull cars quickly
seasonal playlist ‘gifts’ u cars and money
play a adventures and it gives u money and unlocks a wheelspin
do some more adventures and goto autoshow and buy a 10mil car

yeah maybe for someone who owns everything in the game its ‘crap’ todo easy stuff for 100%
and is crying because there is no new car this week or it requires 15needles not 3
sure they can put the car in your inventory but why playing the game then (isn’t it easier if the devs put u on p1 in leaderboards instead?)
wtf is going on???
you can increase ur leaderboard position with some new car, it allows u to get p1 easily, fine noone cares
u want/need the car? do the easy stuff or buy at auctionhouse like any other player in this game
its a game and u decided to play it but you are not playing alone


In the only two other games where I’ve played competitive multiplayer recently, CSGO and AoE II DE, everyone has everything needed to compete on a level playing field as soon as they have installed the game. Both only lock purely cosmetic items behind activities.

Or in driving games, ACC with all DLC is cheaper than FH4 ultimate edition, and you have all content from the start. In GT Sport, you have to buy cars with credits, but apart from a few rare exceptions that don’t matter at all for ranked play, all cars are always available to buy, it’s the equivalent of FH4 having every car available from the autoshow.


It is always the same, no need to argue with whiners. I’ve been through this so many times.

Imagine a racing game gives you the option to actually race to get new stuff and you don’t have to pay extra for it. And you also get the opportunity to try out cars that you normally wouldn’t notice that they even exist.

Btw, the base game + Season pass includes more than enough eligible cars for competitive play.


And people have tried to tell you their side in the most respectful way possible and you don’t listen 1 bit either.

Well if the person who put up the post didn’t feel the need to consistently bag the game on a regular basis then maybe they wouldn’t get the repsonse they get and yes, i read their post which, once again was full of gripes about the whole game and having to actual do things to get stuff. Every season there has to be a couple of players who get onto the forums and vent because they can’t do a task that everyone else seems to be able to do quite easily. Calling for it to be removed or changed to suit their level is ridiculous and people like myself get tired of seeing this and call them out on it.

Whether i repsond with 2 sentences or 30, i’m still making a point.

Btw, getting back onto topic of this thread, i completed everything within 2 days playing casually over a couple of hours (except the daily’s of course). I found this season to be quite easy and the TVR Goliath race i won with a couple of seconds to spare. Everything in the playlist is attainable when approached the right way and with patience.

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I have a lot more respect for you than Clutch (both of them) but you’re missing their points (or bags as you refer to them as) just as much, they don’t say they can’t do them.

They find them needlessly repetitive, don’t like the structure of some of the content and think the game relies too much on said structure, lee + NightDriver both play FM and quite avidly going off some of their posts in the other sections on here so clearly patience isn’t a factor.

I’ve been on here quite a while now and I’m still yet to see a reasonable debate or counter to the points they make, all they ever get by the ones defending is insulted or told not to play the game.

Haven’t seen him post for a while but have a look at a gamer1000k post and how they go about making a point or look how Bree is doing it in this very thread, if his or lee’s or NightDriver’s opinions are such nonsense why has nobody on the other side been able to respond in a similar way rather than the differing levels of short, sharp petulance they receive from the same few people?

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You don’t have respect for me? :pleading_face::pleading_face::joy:

There’s no need to have a “debate” with people who consistently drag a game no matter what. It’s obviously not their kind of game. Play something else if you’re so unhappy with the direction that PG is taking. This isn’t a racing enthusiasts game, this is a game centered around cars. It’s literally car-fortnite minus WoD. Don’t like it, play something else that’s more suited for you, like Motorsport.

It’s okay to admit you’ve lost interest in the game, heck, post a sappy goodbye post, but it’s so annoying seeing negativity all the time about everything in the game, on a forum dedicated to the game. Spot a bug and wanna let others know? An issue with the game that wasn’t caught? Great! Post it up! Creating a post just to whine among the hundreds of others? Just leave the game.

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Both sides have been through it so many times.

Your “option to actually race” argument is totally disingenuous because it ignores the fact that you have to spend time doing activities in the game that you wouldn’t otherwise choose to do. What if my main interest is building, tuning and rivals? That is a valid way to want to spend time in the game, but it doesn’t get you the new cars, even if you spend 10 hours a week doing it. The solution is extremely simple, which is to make all cars available for credits, so you can do any activity in the game that rewards you with credits, and you will be able to buy the new cars. Let people play the game any way they want to. I have NEVER seen a single person on a forum for any other game ask for it to lock away content in the way that FH4 does. If it’s such a great way for a game to work, why does literally not one single person ever ask for any other game to work like this? AoE II DE only locks cosmetic items away behind time-limited activities, and do you know what the only feedback ever is relating to that? It’s that it’s all a complete waste of time and the devs should spend their time doing more useful work on the game instead. So I find the defence of FH4 quite baffling when absolutely nobody wants other games to work this way.

Base game + season pass enough cars for competitive play? Good luck beating the 599 XX Evo for some speed traps, as one example.


Yeah it’s simple! Unlocking stuff is part of the game-play see it as part of the competition. If u can’t get the car try next time and use some other instead.
3 quick races is too much time for a car fine play without the car.
do you remember how fh4 starts? you’re doing 3 races and it unlocks the game&festival and your first free car. then it unlocks new tracks, later unlocks rivals and so on
first things todo in fh1? im sure u know the answer

??? Look at the AuctionHouse and buy with Credits. To unlock money you have to play the game :wink:
If everyone can buy any car where is the fun? If someone beats ur best car with diff car it’s competition. ~730cars but everyone in same

Its a Game for everyone and an ArcadeRacer (OpenWorldActionRacingGame no idea). There are other Games for these interests without the extra stuff (forzamotorsport?).
But i can’t play monopoly and say my main interest is hotels&money i have to roll the dice because its part of the game.
Rivals is a little portion of the game mainpart is having fun with cars.

??? If the creator of the game decides thats how the game has to be played then deal with it or don’t play the game.
cmon… my car is able to drive on water and thats the way i want to play so the devs have to make britain an ocean? they can’t make everyone happy

7mil playing rivals? nope
7mil posts with ‘doing something for a car is waste of time’? nope

No idea how many Games you’ve played but 99% of my gamelibrary are games that require to unlock something
U want to play Level 2 complete Level 1 before. It’s unlocking content!

btw driving on the road in rivals unlocks a clean lap, going faster on speedtraps unlocks stars, tuning unlocks ability to go faster

anyway, back to the fun part

Mosler? its a 10.0 i know both can do 500kmh but not enough road to test

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When you actually start tuning cars, you realize that those stats mean nothing.

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FM7 was decent for its time, but it’s a long way off being as good a game as FH4. Maybe the rebooted FM will become a viable FH alternative, but I’m not hopeful. Three examples of the difference, for me:

  1. Course cutting - you simply cannot cut the course in FH4 due to the checkpoint system. They’re apparently even banning people for cutting in FM7 now, which is ridiculous, they should just fix the game instead of banning people for doing stuff the game lets you do.
  2. Tracks. FH4 has a huge number of fabulously well designed tracks in stunning scenery. FM7 has mostly deathly dull real world tracks in dull scenery, and some horrible fictitious tracks like Rio. I have no problem with real world tracks being included, but they need to do a lot better with the fictitious tracks.
  3. Graphics are just nowhere near FH4, though maybe they’re better on PC than on Xbox One X?

I don’t know man. With your skill level you should be embracing Motorsport. Rayne too. All you guys that do rivals. It’s a much better driving experience. It’s a track, what kind of graphics do you expect? It’s about driving not graphics. iRacing looks like garbage if you go by graphics. It’s not a garbage game however. Rio is a fun track once you know it well. I think it’s great but I would agree GT Sport does fictional better. More realistic but Rio is just a bit of fun. I really enjoy it and great graphics there. Sure game needs work but it’s decent aside from the cutting and ramming which god willing they will improve next time. Since you guys would stay up front or play in private, I know lots of groups, ramming will not be a huge problem and it ghosts the back markers. It is slow on regular Xbox one but faster than H4. Anything is. I don’t think PC would look significantly better than a One X. A little I’m sure but I cannot run it 4K on my PC. I know some of the right people, some of the fastest and they would be glad to have you. Taking shortcuts which all the fast guys do in H4 - it’s obvious in ghost when they do it. It is cutting pretty much. No better in my opinion but that’s arcade, I can accept it but I don’t like it.

I want a game that will lift my spirits. I want to see snow on mountains. Stunning sunsets over expansive hills, flowers in the woods, and so on.

And I like the PR stunts. I like the showcases. I just want to do each of them once, not over and over and over and over again, every time they come up again on a playlist. Sometimes I’ll do them again if a new car comes along, e.g. the #94 VW caused me to try quite a few speed zones again that I thought it would be good for. That is what interests me with a new car coming to the game, trying to work out what it can be made to do, and giving it a try. Not doing some stuff I wouldn’t otherwise do just to unlock it.

The thing is, if the stuff the playlist gets people to do is such fun, why does the playlist need to exist? If the activities in it are enjoyed by all the players, wouldn’t they all be doing those things even if the playlist didn’t exist?

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Again, this is ridiculous, are you an alt account of clutch? I’m talking about core competitive gameplay - competing for rank in ranked racing, or for leaderboard position, whether that is rivals or PR stunts. What do they gain by coercing people into playing elements of the game they have no interest in? It makes no sense from a commercial perspective. Sure, they can get away with it when there isn’t any game that realistically competes with their game, but even so, what’s the benefit to them of making customers put up with it because there’s nothing better?

And you talked about the intro to the game being consistent with having to do this stuff to unlock cars, but you are surely aware that the game didn’t launch in its current state. You didn’t have to do this stuff to unlock cars when the game first launched, it only came in after a few months. Originally, all cars were only ever locked behind a single seasonal event, the locking of cars behind % playlist completion came later. And there were HUGE complaints about it, which is why it’s now 50% rather than the 100% that was sometimes needed when it was first introduced. If they got rid of the 50% requirement, and reverted to how the game launched, with new exclusive cars only ever locked behind a single seasonal event, the complaints that remain would probably mainly go away.

You say rivals is a tiny part of the game, but it’s the entire reason I’m playing the game rather than GT Sport. FH4 is the best time trialling driving game on the market, that’s why I play it. You say 7 million players haven’t played rivals, but how many of them do you think have persevered with the playlist and own every car in the game? I bet the number of players that have every exclusive car is tiny.

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