Will we ever get motorcycles

Hey guys I was wondering if any of you know if we are ever going to get motorcycles. I always remember using them in pgr4 and have never seen them in any game since.

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Hope not!


But I doubt we get them even though they will be cool you just get knocked off and it will be weird in drift lobby’s

I sincerely hope not. I’m all for motorcycles in their own game, but there are just too many physics differences and class inconsistencies between 2 and four wheels. There are just too many things they could focus on instead rather than adding something that is unnecessary to what is, primarily, a car game.

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I’d love a good motorcycle title on consoles but Forza, for me, isn’t the place. We already have enough problems with having open wheel cars in the same class as road cars, adding motorcycles (and the physics and dynamics aka falling that go with them) would over complicate the title. I’d rather see stuff like go-karts, and Formula Ford style open wheelers, and a much better class system.

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Conidering how T10 have nailed cars, I’d love to see them try other types of motor vehicles. I’d even play a T10 bulldozer sim.

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How about a Three Wheeler as the new Morgan? I would love to drive that beauty


No, that would require an entire new physics module, research and development, mode type, character system / body physics system. Way to much to put in and make them both good.

Preferably not. I enjoy cars, and we don’t have enough new cars to justify adding a new type of vehicle, especially one that has never been in Forza games and was never planned to be.


If FM or GT were ever to have motorcycles, I don’t want them behaving like cars with motorcycle performance. If I’m in a car and I bump into you on your bike, I don’t want you to slightly wobble and continue on, but rather for you to lose control, tumble over, you slide on your face for 200 feet while your bike does cartwheels for 300 feet in another direction to come to a halt bent and broken. You then take a minute to compose yourself before hobbling back to the remains of your bike. You stand it and climb on just as I come back around to lap you.

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I could list a 16,000 things I would like to see in the Forza series before this.

But that’s my opinion.


Please do.


There’s been hints about adding jet skis and boats. :wink:


sounds like fun

PGR4 was arcade. I use to love that series until #4, when they added bikes. I fully finished pgr 1-3. Only got 25% through #4. They ruined that franchise imho.

There never will be bikes in Forza Motorsport.

Now Forza Horizon may be a different story. However I don’t own or will never own a Horizon title, so they can put all the bikes they want there.

Bikes ever end up in Forza Motorsport, I would be done with franchise.

Why are you all so damn lame? Motorcycles would ruin the game for you? You don’t have to ride the motorcycles… real car guys appreciate motorcycles too, Horizon is far from standard Forza games. Just seems like so many pansy ass types cry about Motorcycles being added.

It would be great to see type of vehicles other than cars, a few pick ups and two odd vans… However, If we could race them in the same lobby they shouldn’t be able shove everything out the way and you shouldn’t come off. I know it sounds unrealistic about not coming off but it would prevent rammers from destroying the bikes.

They should also be properly tested and classed before entering the game (or at least being available in online public races) because bikes handling wouldn’t compare to cars but the acceleration of a high powered bike could easily monster any car in the game so classing them wouldn’t be as simple as it is with cars.

Would love to see them make a Forza 2-Wheeler edition. Would be good fun. No other MC game has come even remotely close to Forza quality.

Tourist Trophy on PS2 was THE best quality motorcycle racing game I’ve ever played. The MotoGP titles don’t quite come close to when Polyphony Digital made TT.