We are supposed to not bump into one another during drifting but in racing it is allowed. Even tho there are systems in place to prevent ramming, but still players find ways to push others off the road
seems obvious to me; drifting with other players would be a fun/toxic/utterly impossible mess, it would be worse than stock car racing, so that’s fixed, collisions have to be off (those drift zones in H3 were not fun)
racing should be about getting past people so collisions have to be on, but there should be a custom race option to turn it off if you ask me
I agree that there should be 2 options either ghost or not, everytime they tried to fix ramming they only made it worse for people who drive clean. And ramming is not a big problem if you expect it and learn to handle them. So in reality there is only 1 option to fix it and that is ghosting, but i rather have no rules at all over that. But ramming is the least of the problem when it comes to online races, there is so much they have to fix to make it work. So when you think about how the game really is, then ramming and op cars are just a part or it, so either learn to live with it or move on, since it wont change the last last part of racing was in horizon 4, now its just like the devs, a playground