Why has my Cloud game save been set back a whole day!?

okay so i’ve been playing a lot of Forza 4 these past few weeks and for the most part i’ve had no problems, until today i start up my xbox and find that my progress has been set back by an entire day, i don’t understand why this has happened and it’s left me pretty salty not wanting to play the game anymore if it’s likely to keep happening. does anyone have any idea what could have caused this? i do frequently switch between 2 seperate hard drives and have to re-download my saves from the cloud each time i do this. could that be a part of the problem? any help appreciated.

The cloud and Forza do not get along very well. Better off not using it if you can avoid it.

I don’t know about what you have for cloud memory but I only have 500MB. I don’t see the use for that little bit of space.

It’s a known bug for quite a long time that Forza 4 and the cloud don’t work well together. You’re lucky you didn’t lose your entire game save like most people have. Bottom line, don’t use the cloud for your Forza save.