So I.m working a few different tunes on a few different cars but I can not find a location in game that has all my tunes. How do I find all the tunes I have saved thus far. None of them are public so doing a online search is not going to help. Thanks for any help.
Just pick the car you want and go to load tune then shoulder button right to your tune.
So in order to find all my tunes I need to get into a different car every time to figure out what cars I have tunes for and what ones I don,t. That is really dumb and time consuming. The more I play this the game the more I realize how many simple but useful features are removed from the past forzas
Sadly, yes. It’s unfortunate, they put up a place to view all of your vinyls and all of your paints in one place, but not all of your tunes… Just wait for FH2 and FM6 and they’ll [hopefully] make a change.
Yup you got it.
So I take it the only way you can search for a tune is if you own the car and you are in it.