When does the lights DLC come out?

Night races are not very fun with candles for front lights

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Which car? Every night race I’ve done so far, I’ve had decent beams that also project the other cars’ shadows onto the walls.

Or perhaps you’re on PC?

I can’t say that I’ve come across any such issues with night races either, and I am playing on PC. Lights on the cars I’ve used have been fine so far?

I have never noticed an issue with the lights, except for the Polaris race at VIR…don’t even get me started on that one…

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The backstretch at Daytona is never as dark as it is in the game. I don’t know what they ever saw to model it the way they did.

Nothing will ever be as dark as the back stretch at Le Mans in a car with no headlights…

There’s a regular glitch in multiplayer where not all cars have their headlights. Not fun.

Who would have guessed the Forza Edition BMW M4 has no lights ? Found that out online at LM old last night !