So its almost February and no sign of a Trackpack DLC or the Nurburgring. I dont wanna complain but its been a while now and the few tracks we have gonna get boring. I just read that GT6 gets a new Track in the February Update (for Free) that is even longer than the Nordschleife. That sounds pretty cool for the GT players but we Forza players dont even own the Nordschleife… And we probably have to pay for a Track that is build in almost every Racing simulation.
So where are the News that we waiting for? And where is the Superpass? Didnt bought the carpass because of waiting for the Superpass to spare some money because its more then expensive to play the “full” game anyway…
Turn 10 will announce any additional content via the News section of this website. Until there is such an announcement, we have no idea if or when new content might become available.
The rumour that the Nurburgring was coming was started by EVO magazine, the same people who also said the game would have 24 people in online racing. At no point since has Turn 10 even so much as hinted the rumour had any validity at all. Turn 10 have not said the Ring is coming, they’ve not said it was coming by X date and they have certainly not said it would be coming at X price.
It’s a rumour and has been only a rumour from the day EVO magazine published it and continues to be a rumour until such time as Turn 10 confirms or denies it, which they will do in the News section of this website (along with any other releases to media) and not as a response to an intemperate demand on the forums.
I don’t know if I can agree. I have completed every race in GT6 and I am still not bored of it. Not to mention they constantly add new races and cars for free! I only have the vintage series left in FM5 but I am so bored of the tracks that I just can’t get it finished. Not to mention every series is the same, 10 races with 2-3 laps. GT6 has night, rain, rally, real championships, and 24 minute “endurance” races with dynamic time and weather that keeps it interesting. I have always felt Forza was the better game but I’m not sure if that is the case with FM5, it just feels incomplete…
This brings me to something aggravating about a lot of the complaints on FM5 boards. People often act like Turn 10 should simply have copy-pasted all of the last-gen (360) stuff into FM5. They act like that would be fine. I bought GT5 when it came out, and it had a lot wrong with it. I generally enjoyed the game, but it was dragged down by all that was wrong with it and I have always been very vocal about those shortcomings. One of my big complaints was the mixed bag, by which it had 220 or so pretty car models modeled for GT5 for PS3, and 800+ outdated, sub-par models right at home on PS2. They clearly just padded the game’s numbers by recycling really poor car models and tracks that had no business being in the game. I’m glad Turn 10 didn’t sacrifice quality by recycling a bunch of last-gen content and dumping it into FM5 along next to the Xbox One content.
to release a product with less features than the Same branded game prior is terrible. So many solid features from FM4 MP lobby creation, split times, wetc. are missing in FM5 and for T10 to still remain silent about is a sign of the times.
It would be nice to have a date to look forward too regarding new tracks , it just gets a bit tiring when you keep driving the same tracks , in the lobbies especially! I’ve played GT6 on my friends playstation , yes it might have more content , but boy does it feel sooooo wooden , no feeling from the cars or the environment! I am more than happy with FM5 , but we could do with just one track such as nurburgring to keep us all interested! Please T10 , just give us some good news , your fans are waiting patiently!
Yes its been 2 month such a long time thats almost 3 month…
Also nurburgring you lot and your [Mod Edit-fb] nurburgring. If its coming its coming if not please shhhh about it.
Try asking for other tracks. And if you do please do it in the track request thread thats why its there!
Can you please stfu! Its not just about the Nurburgring its more the thing that nobody knows when some new tracks come out. And yeah 3 Month is a long time when you consider that it should be in the Game like in every other game in that class! (FM3-4, GT4-6, Project Cars, Shift 2, GTR Evolution, GT for PSP Nordschleife)
so what your saying is you want whats already in other games id rather have the new tracks personally.
yes nurburg would be nice but id rather wait for it to be finished other than rushed so we get a million threads saying why you rushed nurburgring its terrible
people need to understand we live in a time were there is pretty much no such thing as a finished game at launch. there will always be updates, fixes and dlc and yes the dlc will cost but its extra content. should they just give you stuff for free? cos call me crazy id rather them make a profit and keep developing games.
also from what ive heard nurburg will be released for free
New game new gen new xbox new software!!!
Every 1 in forza asked for new track they put new tracks in forza 5 and everybody asks for old track. What a way to progress. They scan every car and track for forza 5 and its not like that track is short if they put it in and it was crap un focused and glitchy you would then start a thread saying why did you not hold the nurburgring back so it is done rite!!