I’ve noticed there isn’t even sound on the doors etc opening and closing when I’ve looked. Also, you can’t even look around properly when you’re inside the car and we can’t start them either. It’s disappointing.
I love looking at an engine bay that is 70% blacked out due to shadows.
The heavy shadow seems there to show off the lighting, but it really does a terrible job at letting you actually see inside the engine bay.
Actually really like the game but… the way they stripped down Forzavista is by far my biggest disappointment!
I loved how informative and interactive is was in Forza 6, from the narration about a specific car or manufacturers history, to graphic windows showing engine info, car details like height and width, watching the camera ‘move’ into the car as you climbed in and the different options available once you were positioned in the drivers seat… I was really looking forward to Turn 10 bringing all those engaging ‘little touches’ back after cutting much of them out of Forza 7.
Instead, we get the least interactive, bare-bones Forzavista they could manage along with horrible lighting and shadows, oddly restrictive camera movement… yeah, the whole thing is a complete let-down and takes away a really cool and entertaining feature that helped distinguish Forza from other ‘sim’ racing games.
Honestly can’t quite understand what they were thinking.
I agree, it’s so disappointing. I really do hope they “finish” it in an update.
Couldn’t agree more, forzavista isn’t great in fh5 either but at least you can start the car and turn on the lights. FM4 Autovista was the goat, was only on 20 cars or so tho.
Everything in the game is stripped back.
Even the fact you cant pan or zoom into the car while working on it like its been forever.
The game is stripped from the ground up
I laughed out loud when I read this lol.
I Feel Exactly the Same Way About Forzavista & the lightinging In the Garage is a Joke forza 6 had far superior lighting across the board the Game has a Dark Tint to it & it doesn’t look good
I’ve discovered this topic only now and wanted to express my great disappointment too. ForzaVista is an unique feature of this series and seeing it downgraded so much makes me sad.
I can’t understand why someone decided that even smooth transitions between exterior and interior need to be removed, despite it working since Forza Motorsport 4…
It’s an ancient technique lost in our time
It feels like they ran out of time and didn’t get around to making the free camera work properly, so everything is just a fade to black transition now. A lot of the game feels like that really, it shows in all the more minor features.
I am new to Forza, bought an XBox just for the new FM. I was seriously expecting a bit more from the “View Car” mode.
It’s so dark inside the interior, no way to freely pan my view around to see the inside of the car. As mentioned above, also under the hood is also often way too dark and seems lacking in detail. Shockingly, even the chrome and metallic materials on many cars wheels often just seem dull and lacking in “pop”.
But it’s not all the cars. Some actually DO have a feeling of shining chrome and metals. Not sure why it’s only some cars, though.
And on a basic design point… I feel that the one background/environment I can view the car in, is really not ideal for showing off reflections, light, and shadows. I’d like to be able to have the car outdoors, under trees, maybe an interior under raking lights or neon, a bit like the Builder’s Cup intro videos. A sort of city lights at night, if the scene is going to be dark (with more dramatic reflections and colored lighting going on).
It just doensn’t feel like a premium experience for showing off the cars, ray tracing, and enjoying the visuals.
Everything you said is true.
Even Forza Motorsport 6 had two different environments for menu (homespace) to choose from, while Forza Motorsport 7 allowed you to use ForzaVista (aka View Car) in pits on every track before starting the race. It was so immersive, and with varied conditions (weather, time of day, environment) it gave the photo mode enormous potential.
What we’ve got in new Forza Motorsport is only a shadow of former glory of this series. I really hope T10 intends to enhance these features in the future, driving itself is only a part of Forza experience.
Simple, it’s not finished just like the rest of the game. FM seriously should have been delayed by about 6-12 months or released in early access.
Yes, AutoVista was the peak form of love letters from T10 to cars (even Gran Turismo never had anything equally impressive), and there is no feature I dream of returning more…
I understand that amount of work required to prepare these detailed, narrated presentations could be too extensive, but I believe ForzaVista in form seen in FM5/FM6 is still achievable (even if it was gradually (re)introduced for particular cars in consecutive updates).
It looks so good man. Too bad now we have mediocre details and graphics.