what a great game

We all have our gripes,for me its the menus ,but when you think about it its quite incredible what they have done.It gives as realistic feeling of driving fast ,for the price of a few hours on go carts.

The closest go kart place for me is in jersey city, which is an hour away. I hear the waits can be a couple hours on weekends so I haven’t tried yet. Racing the e21 will have to do for now, I guess!

Lots of Jersey ppl on here!!

It’s worse for me; FM5 is the same price over here are filling up my car just 75% and doing about 20mpg…

So yeh, glad I covered thousands of miles already in FM5 :slight_smile:

I recently went back and played Forza 4 online a little over the weekend. The difference between FM4 and FM5 is night and day. Now that I am so used to the graphics and physics in FM5 as well as the new and improved Xbox One controller, FM4 was practically unplayable and the graphics just look outdated. IMO FM5 is a huge improvement over the previous title.