Weird Issue with design downloads

i have a weird issue in which my designs are all showing 0 downloads, 0 likes, 0 uses some of which i know had 10.000+ downloads its like i was banned from posting up designs (i got a design banned before on forza 5) but i’m still receiving rewards for my designs.
does anyone else have this issue or is it just me. my console is an Xbox One and my game version is Day One Ultimate Edition

The Forza servers have been acting a little wonky lately. Perhaps follow-up on their status in a day or two and see if the issue persists.

Same problem here, all my shared designs show 0 downloads, even thogh i had 1000’s of downloads…

Think the guys are really trying to kill the paints part in this game :frowning:

well this issue has been going on for over a month … was waiting for the feb update to see if it patched it but it didn’t and its just with my designs … my vinyl’s are still normal and showing the downloads/likes

ok a little update after i logged in this afternoon … its showing my downloads again but a few cars have been taken down from the storefront and it wont leave me share it again