Weather slots for scripted weather in Free Play

In the Free Play Advanced menu, add the ability to script a race weather scenario, adding number of slots, maybe up to four to place different weather conditions throughout a race, each slot could contain, rain, cloudy, clear etc,.

Super Ultra great feature! :smiling_face_with_tear::trophy:

In the next update, additional weather customization options will be added to Free Play and Private Multiplayer. These will allow you to vary the race conditions from a range of weather scenarios. You will be able to set the Start, Mid-Race, and End Race weather types

It’s coming!

Hello. It’s available now.

Weather settings were added to Free Play with Update 12 in September 2024:

Additional weather options have been added to Free Play and Private Multiplayer. Set the Start, Mid-Race, and End Race weather types and adjust their probability percentage

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