I set a freemode race to:
- Heavy Rain
- Cloudy Wet
- Rainstorm
The problem is the tarmac got dry after like 5 minutes or something, but it should have stayed wet. The timescale was 1:1 real time no faster timescale or anything. I did this on Nordschleife with the race starting at 15:25, it was a 1 hour time limited race.
TL:DR it should have stay wet for the entire race. No tarmac on the world dries up in like 5 minutes it doesn’t make much sense. Please make the “Cloudy Wet” really keep the tarmac wet.
This should be environment specific.
If you’re in Uk or German the likeliness of track drying right away would be less than say Australia America or middle east tracks.
Cloudy wet by British standards would be drizzle on a wet track and the relative humidity would prevent quick dry up. Then also how many cars on track should also play a part in how much spray is released from the wheels.
Wider tyres also should throw up more water than thinner tyres.
I agree to some respect though the track should appear to dry naturally
There also is no lightning in the sky, I can only hear thunder. The rainstorms are kinda lame.
They need to fix these small issues.
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