Why there is a limit to how many we can have of tunes and liveries makes zero sense considering many of us have multiple cars of the same type with different tunes and liveries, this is ridiculous. Then as if that isn’t bad enough there is NO easy way to delete these after we hit the limit especially the tunes, you have to get in each and every single car to accomplish this, again very ridiculous.
Between FH4 and FH5 they have added ZERO quality of life improvements just convincing most of us even more that this is just FH4 with a new map.
I believe you can simply go to the creative hub and then browse your liveries and tunes at will, however I’m unsure if you can delete them or not from here.
So it doesn’t affect you whatsoever, but helps improve QoL for thousands of others without interfering with you at all. Therefore you refuse to argue for any change?
This is the reason its a pain in the behind to achieve many of the tune/paint accolades.
It takes ages to go through, and even longer to clean up and make new.
Having to hop in every single car is really really bad… I mean, if you want to delete photos, there is a ‘delete’ button in the gallery - but not for the other stuff.
Welcome to forza horizon franchise, dont worry we have been asking for tune/car/livery filters for more than five years. Again, dont worry, it will be a miracle if so many years after, the finally decided to improve the UI and add proper filters and a real search engine to the game. As again, better UI filters for everything is what players wanted through all these years, so following the way of doing things of these guys, is never going to happen.
I tend to max out my downloaded liveries in this game.
And when I do, it’s a pain to look through all 500 or so if I need to re-apply a livery. Since you can’t just display liveries according to what you’re driving, or sort by make/model.
Cars in garage can be sorted and filtered a buncha ways, why not liveries?
Here is my 2 cents on this: Random online race is presented and its B Class Dirt, you can’t find your favorite and best vehicle for this because it currently has an A Class tune loaded, what a bummer!! What if the vehicle management displayed all the vehicles you have in B Class plus the vehicles you have a saved B Class tune and so when you choose any of those vehicles it would be delivered with that Class tune.
Same thing with free-roam vehicle changes. When you choose to change vehicles it also prompts you to choose which Class tune do you want to have loaded when delivered!!
100% include me in the “we”!! It drives me nuts trying to find a paint I made for a car in my list of designs. At the very least, add an option to filter down to show only the designs I have for the car I’m in. That would definitely encourage me to create more paint jobs.
The livery and vinyl management is not so bad. It would be nice if they added clear counters to indicate how many you have, and what the caps are to avoid the unexpected “you have too many files of this type” error. Also, I notice when you are browsing liveries, they have a steering wheel icon beneath the designs that are applicable to your current car. They should add this feature to My Designs, as well. There are a number of cars that are identical (like FE cars) or very similar to other cars in you inventory, making it not immediately clear which ones you can apply.
Tune management is a complete mess. There is no centralized means to view them, find the cars they are applied to, or even know how many there are. When you run out of tune slots, you have to hunt around for a car that has a tune you can delete. I expect this will become more problematic in FH5, since they are putting tight restrictions on the car and tune you must use to complete PR stunts, among other things. So in the end, there will be many cars in your inventory that you would probably otherwise not use, that have long forgotten tunes applied to them to satisfy the requirements of a seasonal challenge.
It would be nice if we can view the description when you’re searching tunes and liveries. And with liveries it would be nice to be able to see a bigger picture of the design, or preferably, the full car like with Auctions. Now you only see a small thumbnail of the design and you have to download the design to see what it is.
With tunes you can only see the description when you have downloaded it and view it in My Tunes. The description is much more important with tunes because the tuner can give more info about it there than in just the title (which is often something like ‘EZ SEASONAL’). Info like top speed, drag times, what track or race it has been tuned for. It’s better to be able to see it in the search menu right away