This ain’t FM’23
This is FM’18
This sh*t got 1 year of development then they money laundered the other 5 years.
This ain’t FM’23
This is FM’18
This sh*t got 1 year of development then they money laundered the other 5 years.
Sure, it could be incompetence. Maybe they saw the success of MMOs, and their takeaway was that people must love the grinding aspect. The reason I think there’s more to it is that they haven’t said or done anything in almost 4 months now. We know they could just speed up the leveling as they already cut the unlock requirements. Again, maybe they’re just that incompetent, but it doesn’t serve them in any way to keep this system the way it is, unless they go the MTX route.
It would be a huge back track to reintroduce MTX in to the game. Can’t see it. The reason in my opinion they haven’t rolled back on the carpg system is simple. Hubris
Another reason why they might not be able to remove the XP system is because it’s embedded so deeply into the code, that if they do, the game just won’t function?
This is just a guess, obviously, but if you notice… They quickly reduced levels, but not the actual amount of XP needed to unlock the parts. Nor have they announced anything about adding more ways to earn XP to speed up the leveling, either.
Also, if you’ve been playing these games for years like most of us, the whole tuning aspect is basically a mini-spread sheet that gets loaded into the game on a per car basis whenever you make adjustments.
So, this is what is leading me to believe removing the leveling and XP system might negatively affect the game to the point it can’t physically work (load) without it? If my speculation is right, this game is screwed.
Perhaps, but surely if we could just earn carxp to spend on any car we wanted it wouldn’t be a major rewrite . The most ridiculous thing about this is l it actually discourages you to stop using the car you’ve formed an emotional attachment with as after lvl 50 (in some cases much sooner than this ) then you get handicapped for it. The game actively encourages you to start again on another car. Of we carried on earning it would go some way to alleviate that problem
They could just remove the xp system and let ppl buy upgrades with credits again. Just like it was in FM7 and it always was in FH. They could remove all car xp related achievements and that’s it. The whole system is garbage and has to be removed.
That’s what I mean, about them (possibly) only being able to change things around the car leveling and XP system, but not the system itself?
We don’t know if they can do that, though.
That’s why I wrote, how everything around the car leveling and XP system seems to be easily changed, but not the system itself, apparently?
If they WANT to they can change EVERYTHING about the game. But it seems they want that ppl hate the game for whatever reason.
We could also win currencies like Twinkies or Bretzels or whatever. They can do such things.
They could just make all cars that are in the game level 50 right after you won or bought them, remove the level bar from the hud/UI and in the car selection. Then change a few lines of code, so the upgrades are bought with credits. And voila it’s like the system never existed in the first place.
We ppl in germany have a saying. “Wo ein Wille ist, ist ein Weg.” “If there is the will, there is a way.”
I have doubts whether it can be completely removed from the game too, but we do know they can loosen the grip a bit, seeing as they did just that with the first patch.
The silence from Esaki and Greenawalt tells me they won’t change the car upgrade system. We would have heard something by now. They are burying their heads in the sand and won’t listen to us or even put a message out to us all. I don’t think they will sink much more time into it.
12 to 18 months they will abandon it and no more FM games will be released. Horizon is the main game now.
I hope I’m proved wrong but it’s just a feeling I have from the silence.
They’re not gonna just ditch an element they’ve probably pitched to the board and hyped up, just like that.
It’s just not gonna happen.
Can confirm Max is “one of the good guys”.
The car xp system isnt deeply imbedded code wise, points are given based on levels. They would simply need to increase points given for various things or lower the points needed to level up.
If they were to remove them totally and replace it with credits, there would be issues. The entire economy would need to be changed, car prices, race payouts etc. I dont see them doing that.
Yeah they had one shot at creating an economy and they blew it.
You’ll need a reason to pay the full price once more time.
Could’ve been WindsweptDragon, he’s an abusive worm.
Delete at will, mods, you’ll just prove me right.
It wouldnt suprise me. They increase car prices 10 fold, then tell everyone they can keep their cars but now owe them the difference. Now everyone has negative bank accounts and cant afford car parts. Keep the grind alived.
They could just copy paste the prices and earned credits from FM7 and fill in the blanks.
Its about them doing the work though, they dont want to do work.
IMO they wouldn’t even need to change the economy. With all the car prices being normalized the economy is a joke right now, I have millions of CR sitting around and nothing to spend it on.