Was FM '23 scrapped 4 years into development?

I didn’t have any problem with Starfield as well. The problem was like you said…Quickly I felt bored and felt I played this game before.


Starfield doesn’t have performance problems, but it’s many other things that are very bad. But the worst part of the game is the copy & paste content, the let’s say many “diverse and progressive” characters, the boring story, the many many bugs and other things. If you look at the kid friendly nightclubs, that is also not very helpful. Compare that game’s Neon City to Cyberpunk 2077’s Nightcity and you see what is wrong with the game. Even gangs, drug dealers etc. are sort of family friendly, none of them is cursing or acting like real criminals. The whole game just feels soulless, superficial and not authentic in any way at all. It’s like South Parks “Joining the Panderverse” is what happened to Starfield. They didn’t try to offend anyone and because of that the game is just bad. You have to shock, suprise and yes offend ppl to entertain them, you can’t make the whole game turn out like a seniors tea party in a elderly home, or a bingo tournament or something. The game has no soul, simple as that.

I am glad a racing game can’t have these problems that SF has. But FM23 has different problems. The CPU optimization is horrible, it looks washed out and grey ish, the cars sound bad, the AI is horrible and the carPG system is the cherry on top that completey ruins it.

The game is clearly not “Built from the ground up”. It’s nothing but a marketing lie, it’s obvious the only thing that is new, are the race tracks that have been 3D scanned. But that’s it, it’s still the same car models from years ago and CPU optimization is horrible just like it was in FM7.


I made a post years ago about FH4, and speculated it may have had MTX (microtransactions) removed given the way the game is setup to where you just repeat races over and over to unlock things. Hmm. Repetitive grinding. Sound familiar?

The thread was closed, and he even responded in a condescending manner, “That’s cute”.

I wasn’t trolling. It was a genuine question, and something most moderators would have just ignored, but this also tells me a lot about how this forum is run, to be blunt.

I’ll probably banned after bringing this up, but at this point, I think my time here is done, regardless?

I purposefully avoided coming here on Christmas, because it’s a day of family, friendship and joy even if you don’t celebrate the religious aspect. Coming back here is just depressing. I’m not citing any posters in particular, but now that I have a PS5 Slim, it’s time to actually start gaming again on GT7, and being happy doing it.

BTW, I’m not naïve. I’ve been playing the PS4 version, I know it has its own share of issues, but now it’s time to try the PS5 version in all it’s 4K 60fps glory. The physics might not be as refined as Forza, but everything else (barring certain aspects) is far superior at this point in time. And that’s what I want out of a video game. Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m not going to abandon FM, entirely.

I’ll keep tabs on any updates, try them out, but I’m not expecting a New Year’s Revolution so-to-speak, that suddenly breathes life back into this dying husk of a racing game.

C’est La Vie.


what i want to know is what happened to FM being an open development, in the early stages they were sharing some of the development process then it just vanished altogether. didnt seem to be open development with the community at all. before launch they also said that they have no roadmap, and they will let the players decide what they need post launch, so far that doesn’t really seem to be the case either.

i have voted firmly with my wallet this time around and i will hold firm until they start to live up to their word and start delivering


I mention microtransactions a while ago as well.

What a perfect way to bring them into forza so that people can buy tokens to avoid the grind of leveling each car.
I know if they brought that in I would never log into any Turn 10 game ever again.


Regular Badge with text like

idk …

Max is part of this community since ever! Most of the stuff at https://support.forzamotorsport.net is written by max! And thats stuff from before his job as community manager. Same for http://manteomax.com/

When the series consoles were announced it was confirmed motorsport was a next gen release so it was never intended for cross gen. At this point FH5 hadn’t even been announced l.They also announced the physics changes and therefore you’d assume an implied update to forzatech. It was never an engine change to UE or any other engine. Lots of conspiracy theories around as to how and why this game released in this state. Maybe just maybe it’s just bad development?


They’ve just over hyped the game so much . So we all thought we would get a massive upgrade everywhere especially in graphics. It never came anywhere near what they promise. So they are guilt of telling fibs big time. I’d say it’s just shoddy work all through T10 in every department.
That said I do enjoy how drives on controller and I’m enjoying online races. I’m driver level 890 so I’ve put 300 hours or over now into it. Graphics wise it’s not the worse in the world it’s playable. Trouble is we expected much more because they promised us the world. I never thought it would be what they said so I had lowered my expectations.
Let’s hope they can turn it round and soon


It’s not only what they promised. T10 historically provided exelent graphics that pushed xbox to It’s limits. So naturally when they shown some clips given series x power I never thought that might not look as in the clips. When you drive in cocpit camera there’s this weird over exposure + environment doesn’t look sharp at all. I’m kind of positive that if Microsoft will not pull out funding they’ll adress that sometime in the future. As for details and models I was thinking recently how much is it just freeing up resources for ray tracing and how much it’s due to bad porting/adjusting it for upgraded forzatech. Idk.


Even “bad development” has it’s reasons. It’s usually rooted in something having happened (or not happening e.g. not enough funding, time, manpower, etc). People are curious because it helps us make sense out of disorder, and can give closure to those who are disappointed if they know why FM turned out so bad.

However, like I wrote in my first post, we’ll never know what really happened, for a multitude of legal and professional reasons.

This isn’t like Cyberpunk 2077, that faced a class action lawsuit by CDPR shareholders & investors on the grounds of false advertising (fraud; delivering a product vastly different than what was promised).

This is why it quickly came to light it was upper management who forced CP2077, to release two years early when the developers wanted to wait. The irony is everybody found out because Consumer Advocacy Laws are actually enforced in places outside of North America.

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I do take your point, bad development can also mean a lack of creativity , poor (incompetent) coding or any number of reason. My personal belief is they had more than enough dev time, you’d imagine being a premiere XGS that resource would not have been an issue so my personal belief and that’s all it is l, is just a leadership failure.

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Regardless… This is the most disappointing games I have ever played.


What raytracing? Raytracing in this game only works within like a 10 ft. radius around your car. And even then, when playing in RT mode there are graphical glitches galore in this game.


I’ve never bothered with ray tracing on series x. It does not have the power to do ray tracing. Just a gimmick to sell the game and promote Xbox as most powerful console.
Power does not mean better games. Switch has the best games. Nintendo are masters at innovation. Switch 2 should be good. Won’t be powerful but again it will have the best games because Nintendo are masters of what they create. Next Mario Kart will be my next racing game. There’s an art to getting fast times. I had great fun in a group I joined online years ago.

Switch games are so well designed because they’ve been using and refining the same formula for decades now, not to mention them banking almost entirely on their now ancient existing IPs. I don’t get how they’re masters of innovation. They were back when consoles were a new idea, and maybe again with the Wii, but all their current stuff looks like ancient technology to me.

I’m not trying to start a debate here, I’m just puzzled with how large of a following Nintendo has considering their level of technology and simplistic game design compared to the rest of the market.

It wasnt confirmed as next gen only until much later. I believe phil spencer gave a time frame as to when last gen games would stop being developed. Forza just happened to miss that time frame.

I think when you look at whats been presented, most of it is made up of content and assets of forza 7, i dont think this game would have any issue running on last gen hardware if tweaks were made like in horizon 5.

The main evidence to me that this was going to be cross gen was the fact that theres a hd texture pack, something we only saw when a game was upgraded from the xbox one to the one x. Unfortunately for us the hd texture pack isnt quite hd.

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Glad it’s not just me. I’m boycotting until they patch out the carpg system too.

My nephew got GamePass for Xmas and he brought his computer over so we could play the new FM’23 together. I had to tell him I don’t play the new one yet because of the carpg system. Luckily he had FH5 too so he wasn’t too let down but it was not fun to have to tell him no because I’m in the middle of a boycott.


I’ve always felt like their long con here was to get most of the community to hate it enough to where people would start to suggest poorly conceived ideas like “I’d pay for them to let me bypass the carpg system.” Then MS just comes in and obliges fancying themselves as quite the heroes. They apparently tried loot boxes in FM7 so it seems entirely plausible to me they’d try something similar this time around.


Microtransactions are the obvious answer as to why they set up the carpg system the way they did. It’s structured like an MMO with a pay-to-progress model-- you can either suffer through a horrendous grind while playing for free (except this isn’t a f2p game), pay a little to speed up your progress, or pay a lot to skip the grind entirely. They’re most likely going to slowly add the monetization in like they’re doing with Horizon.


Not necessarily, maybe the devs are just this incompetent and this is what they think is a good racing game.

This doesnt look like any game that could possibly be made by someone that has even a slight interest in racing.

I bet all the good devs were moved to FH5 and they left the interns develop this.