Awesome backfires!
Nice shots! I like the first one, it has a great symmetry. The last shot has a nice contrast, the flames standing out really well!
Last scuderia shot is great! Nice lighting that compliments the colours in the flame.
I had been holding off buying this car for as long as possible. the Nissan GTR is my supercar of choice. The Nissan Skyline has always been one of my favorite cars.
Knowing how good the GTR is I did not want to buy this car straight away without experiencing as many other models and their driving styles first. But last night I gave in and bought it!
These are just a few quick shots I took while setting the car up. I want to keep this car in the S1 Class. That class seems to be my sweet spot on this game, good balance or power and control, specially when it comes to racing in the wet. ](GTR Flames | Scott Baker | Flickr)](GTR 4 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](GTR 3 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](GTR 1 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](GTR | Scott Baker | Flickr)
+1 Beautiful shot Viper!
Thanks! Me too, as soon as I entered photo mode and seeing the reflection (specially off the Mustang) I knew I had to do my best to show off the reflection here.
The warm colours of the Mustang casting its reflection on the road and the effect on the GTR bodywork looks great. Quite proud of this shot!
I have been off work for a week and mainly took the time to complete more events. I have won the Finale race for the 2nd time now. Gotta say the Finale race is epic. I would advise anyone who is close to doing the Finale race again try it in the La Ferrari. Here’s a couple of my La Ferrari shots.
Onto my third championship now. Going to do more of the offroad-Rally events this time round.
Also here are a couple of other shots from this week.
](Storm1 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](s2000 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](mx5 3 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](LA F 3 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](LA F 4 | Scott Baker | Flickr)](LA F 2 | Scott Baker | Flickr)
My personal favourite has to be the second shot.
Thanks Pebb
I bought a new TV yesterday, LG 55" 4K upgrading from my very old 37" HD ready thing… I am totally blown away by the quality of this LG TV. Forza, and Xbox in general just mesmerizes me. I cannot believe how behind I was in terms of TV Quality.
my Forza experiences has just gone up multiple levels thanks to this new TV. I’m sure this will help with my Forzatography.
Must admit I just found myself sitting watching in awe of the 4K video’s. Mostly of scenery, wildlife etc.
I don’t see the point in 4K at this moment in time. Because well most TV providers around the world do not have enough 4K content to warrant any form of purchase. And with 8K prototypes already being shown maybe 4K won’t last as long as 1080p content since computer power is doubling very quickly. Even if Moore’s Law isn’t accepted by some people.
As well as all of that info there is a few other things. First it will be at least another 1-2 console generations before we will see 4K console gaming. While on the video front there is a small chance we may see 4K movies working on the PS4 and Xbox One. However it may take some clever coding to get it to work. Along with an increase in Blu-Ray storage.
That 4k TV must be INSANE with forza! I like the 1st and 2nd shot.
The first shot in your LaFerrari set is great Viper!