VIP XP Booster

Hi Can anyone tell me if my VIP XP boost is active? I have the option to buy an XP boost with tokens, is this it or is the VIP boost a permanent feature?

I really don’t know if it is working or not and it’s taking ages to level up!!

Can anyone help?


VIP doesn’t boost your XP, only the credits you gain for leveling up. If you’re getting 70k per level then it’s working.


Thanks for that, that would explain why its taking so long to level up!!!

Check what assists you have selected - I only get a 25% bonus because I use a few assists, but I do often get a decent Affinity bonus because I’ve done quite a few career races. I usually level up after four, maybe five, career races.


I have the Drivatar difficulty set to expert 35% and my assists at 30%.

vip boost is permanent. i dont believe it makes you level faster…it just doubles the pay out when you do level up. you’ll get 70k when you level up rather than just 35 k. the buy boosting i think does increase the xp so you’ll level faster. but i may be wrong. if you are doing career you wont need it. i had enough credits to buy every car i needed before i bought it even back when leveling only paid 17k.

When you are already a vip and you do the xp boost how much do you get when you level up ?

You get the same amount of credits 70k, you only level up faster

Then again the Assist and Drivatar levels only affect your credit pay outs each race the XP is a flat amount for the race.

xp is actually per lap so it depends on the mode, in rivals you can race indefinantly and you’ll get xp for every lap. it may even be per mile, i think lemans pays more per lap than indy.

You’re right - my bad - too many meetings today :slight_smile: Still, 20k per level to go up, and races average (for me) a tad under 5k, so every four races or so is roughly a level. Unfortunately that’s also quite a lot of race load screen time :stuck_out_tongue:


Fixed for you.

You are correct sir - did I mention the meetings? Oh! The meetings!


Thanks for all the help!!

if you use tokens to buy the accerarator as a VIP you get an extre boost on top of that too. I’m just not sure how much

it doubles your xp per race which does make you level up faster. the only thing i don’t like is the timer is counting down no matter if your in a race or at the pre race screen. i would only use this during long races since its on a timer so you can fully benefit from it.

So…this is bothering me. I got suspicious after doing a few 5 lap races at Laguna Seca to grind out some affinity. XP values seemed low with the bonus so I ran some tests. Here’s what I found.

Free play at Laguna Seca, 15 drivatars at pro, all assists off except for clutch

1 lap without using “press y to level faster”
post-race UI = 1700 xp
Driver XP += 1700
Affinity XP += 1700

1 lap with using “press y to level faster”
post-race UI = 1700 xp
Driver XP += 3400
Affinity XP += 1700 ← Eh?

Quick video of the experiment and results below

I ran this experiment several times with different lap values, no change. I also went back into my profile page to check xp levels in between races, just in case, and it was consistent with the values above (bonus doesn’t apply to affinity). Per the UI-- “you will earn twice the normal xp from every race while your boost is active”

Considering the language around XP used and that the boost screen messaging doesn’t exclude affinity, I can’t help but feel a bit miffed at this result. I spent a bunch of tokens on the boost to speed up my affinity grind, and it didn’t do what I thought it would.

Here’s what I expect based on the language in the UI

  1. XP value shown in post-race results shows as double normal value when boost is active (consistent with how VIP level-up credits are shown as double normal)
  2. Double XP applies to affinity

Frowny-face :frowning:


PS. Anyone also notice that when your affinity levels-up the big notification on the right is wrong (new level +1)? It tells me I’ve reached 25 when I hit 24.

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Think of the bar as showing you how close you are to the next level, not how far along you are in your current level. Go back to FM4 and look at your affinities there - note that they had [Current]------------- [Next] … but in FM5 dropped the current level from the left side for some strange reason …


Edit: completely misread the question… ignore me - I need to go home …

That isn’t correct - the big blue notification is correct, what is wrong is the amount listed when you go into your profile and look under the affinity tab. I have been tracking this and should have the confirmed errors shortly but in the meantime there is a thread where I have been listing the amount the affinity tabs lists and what the “big blue announcement”/actual amount paid at the end of the race is. It is only out on some levels, others it is correct.

hWnd thanks for documenting. I’ve been burning tokens in 1 & 2 hour race sessions and noticed that the XP boost always seemed to be less than double the race total.

Also - the timer has to be more than 0 after the END of the race. When I start a 7-minute race with 7 minutes left, by the time it’s tallying up the timer’s expired and I don’t get the boost for that last race. Not a big deal for those 2-hr sessions but if you’re doing 30 minute boosts, 7 minutes is 23% of your time.

And of course the boosts go farther when racing faster cars, since race XP is more for longer distances.