VIP - General Question

This is just a general, curiosity question. I’m not going to be here to demand something be done, just wondering if something will be done.

I know VIP had a glitch where it didn’t appear, or apply to members until later on down the road. Once it did appear, I noticed the the wheel spin had changed to a VIP Wheel, and noted the extra value of it. My question is: Will there be anything to compensate for VIP Members not getting the Extra VIP bonus for wheelspins used before the VIP glitch was fixed?

If not, it’s fine. I’d understand if the reasoning was that VIP was in the works of being fixed, so you should of held off on using the wheelspins, etc. Was just simply wondering.


I still have not received my Crown or VIP perks I am supposed to get.

I now have the crown, and was able to download vip and launch day cars, however my wheel spins do not double. What other perks should I see?

They’re still having some issues as the game is launching tonight in some countries and then tomorrow night in others.

Some features are being investigated and fixed, and for this reason are occasionally being disabled. There is a stickied thread by Mechberg about it at the top of the FH2 subforum.

VIP should include the following:

A VIP Crown by your name
Double credits from the spin wheel
VIP Car Pack

I am unsure if VP also doubles your race credit earnings as it did in FM5 as I have yet to purchase VIP. I’m waiting for my $10 Code to come in the mail…