**VFD Season 5 Round 1 Winner DVN Rauzey **

Site: VirtulalFormulaDrift.com

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VFD 2014 Rulebook

Signup Form: Click Link Below
Signup Form

Thursday- 12:00pm-5pm eastern time. Drifters that come on late after Thursday Qualifying can qualify.
Friday- 12:00pm-5pm eastern time

Streamed Qualifying:
Thursday- 5pm-10pm eastern time
Friday- 5pm-10pm eastern time

Saturday Practice Sessions:
Session 1- 1:00pm-1:15pm Eastern Time
Session 2- 1:15pm-1:30pm Eastern Time
Session 3- 1:30pm-1:45pm Eastern Time
Session 4- 1:45pm-2:00pm Eastern Time

Roll Call: Roll call of names in top 32 will be announced at 2:00pm-2:30pm Eastern Time.

Lobby Setup: 2:30pm-3:00pm Eastern Time

Battles: 3:00pm Eastern Time




not on the provisional list

green-texting on a FM4 forum

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Thursday- 12:00pm-5pm eastern time. Drifters that come on late after Thursday Qualifying can qualify.
Friday- 12:00pm-5pm eastern time

Streamed Qualifying:
Thursday- 5pm-10pm eastern time
Friday- 5pm-10pm eastern time

Saturday Practice Sessions:
Session 1- 1:00pm-1:15pm Eastern Time
Session 2- 1:15pm-1:30pm Eastern Time
Session 3- 1:30pm-1:45pm Eastern Time
Session 4- 1:45pm-2:00pm Eastern Time

Roll Call: Roll call of names in top 32 will be announced at 2:00pm-2:30pm Eastern Time.

Lobby Setup: 2:30pm-3:00pm Eastern Time

Battles: 3:00pm Eastern Time

hope everyone has a good time this weekend…lets tear it up

Will we get invites to a lobby to qualify or do we need to send in a replay?

if its anything like previous seasons…the lobbies will be open and you just contact staff and let them know you are ready and they will invite you as they have space…its usually like a first come first serve type thing…they send out invites until a lobby fills up…they run the lobby…then do the same over and over until the times they set are up

Could I be in the earliest lobby you do tonight after 5?

I’ll add an extra hour to this, been busy and having Xbox/internet troubles.

Gonna have to qualify later. Wont be home until probably 6 PST

Official Results
See Full Scores Here: VFD Round 1 Full Scores
1.DMA Wanted 98
2.DVN Rauzey 95.5
3.Eh Time 94
4.DVN Xexzel 93.5
5.She Adopted 93.5
6.SO Steve 93.5
7.Chevy Guy 92
8.Use Blitz 92
9.Yoshi 91
10.BigPete 91
11.DVN Reddo 91
12.Sneaker Feens 90
13.DDelgado 89
14.Xuiri 88.5
15.SLP Felon 87.5
16.MCON Maverick 87.5
17.DMA Hiro 87.5
18.Puff Bibi 87
19.D1SL Fou 87
20.HKS Slider 87
21.Gonzo 84
22.Necrogamer 83
23.RezboaDog 83
24.Fractured Weanus 81
25.MCON Panic 80.5
26.Mark Rafa 80
27.STD Denzel 79.5
28.DVN Sleighty 79.5
29.MSR Hydro 79
30.DTE Latino 79
31.Rabbit 78
32.FNK KUBE 78

Sefory 77
Fariko Styce 76
DTE Nonoche 75.5
Just Saucy 75
PTS Geno 74
Magnolia 72.5
Bob Studley 72
Twitch666cole 70
Zedzilla 68.5
VR Awesome 68
DMA Theory 68
TRN Shado 68
SIK Grassroot 65
Hwnly 64
Wingzero 62
Evil Bass Drop 54.5
Eearist Prism 53
DIS Molicious 47
Obey Rozay 42
Hon Bowlo 0
TGF Louie 0
Slide Smoke 0

Need 1 commentator.If anyone wants to do it that has a good voice.

i knew i would do horrible on such short notice haha…time to actually build a car for next round…are we still allowed 1 car switch per season?

Yea, you are.

Wow I just made it, can’t wait it’s gonna be fun XD