Update 12: Private Race Weather - so NO complete variability anymore?

Am I missing something? They’ve added Variable Dry (so various degrees of dry), Variable Wet (various degrees of wet), and random (which just picks on weather condition and sticks to it. The previous (BETTER!) option of VARIABLE for the whole race has gone…?


Not entirely sure, but if you pick Random for every of the 3 slots it should be the same as Variable was before.

Thanks, should be but isn’t. Selecting random is only available as a race wide setting and it just picks one random weather type for the race. Never changes. I think they’ve missed out the previous ‘Variable’ setting for the whole race which gave totally unpredictable weather…

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I wouldn’t say the previous was better. The FM7 one was better, this weather sucks.

I want to select sunny for start, heavy thunderstorm for mid and end again on sunny weather, like I was able to in FM7. This FM8 update here is ueless.

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Spot on. It’s so bad I can’t help but think they’ve missed something here or made a mistake on the build…it’s taken a step back. Any shade of wet, any shade of dry but don’t dare think about a race with both wet AND dry in it!!!


For the record, the previous implementation of variable in free play was always set to variable wet. There was never variable dry at all.

I agree though that they need to open it up completely. I can only wonder if there is some problem with the way it’s been programmed.


i have used random but when you have selected the weather it can remain the same once or twice maybe even 3 times i hope they improve the Random Weather option i think it doesn’t work very well to have the desired setting & they could have a box or something with it showing the type of weather it is rather than checking in info it’s very annoying to have to use my imagination of the conditions for an example like this weather symbols - Search Images

Yea, I also fear the problem is in how they programmed it. If wee compare cloudy dry scenarios with wet - the difference is not just rain, its also some sort of overblown lighting - if you compare every cloud scenario to its rainy counterpart, the rainy is waaaaaaay brighter.

Also in FM8 the weather doesnt look like is changing gradually, but rather almost like a switch. I didnt record any videos my self, but if we look at this one, we can see it actually changing on an instant: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxkVXUDdQIi5Vzvzmb7Z0sbaEfu0-7ReF9?si=-_LqpHx3U0f7Gv6c

So because of that, I wonder if they even can combine any weather scenario. If I remember correctly - in FM7 the weather and clouds was sorta passing over us, as weather tend to do. Here in FM8 it does not feel like that.

Lets be honest, what I was expecting was sorta Sea of Thieves weather, with all the inbetween options from FM7, but this isnt even close to that :frowning:

Well if you have a short race it changes much faster. I feel like sometimes it’ll go from overcast wet to full rainstorm over 2+ laps.


This update kind of exposed the fact the game doesnt actually have dynamic weather. As juris said above weather doesnt change gradually, a switch is flipped just like it was in 7.

In fm7 when you chose a track you had to pick either a dry or wet version. Its now apparent its done the same way in this game. Its just more proof that this is merely a reskinned fm7.

I have assumed this wasnt originally added because of this very reason as it highlights the fact that they werent being truthful about this feature. All they did was add “fully procedural clouds” which dont really look that great and dont seem to tie to weather anyway.

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I tried it out now and it’s really not convincing. I hope they put an actual 24h full weather cycle into the game.