Update 11.0

I guess i have to make update 12 thread right now.

Do that later during the end of update 10 dude.


Especially on the jumbo-trons.

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Well you did 11 before 10.


NFS U2, Payback, and Heat are my three hot picks. Unbound doesn’t look like it’s going to make the “like it” list. But it might be a slight diversion. Besides, it costs the same to play as FM Unfixed. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

hello, after this post, I’m probably the most hated.
I experienced the AI in F1 24. It is so many classes above the motorsport AI.
They don’t ram.
When lapping they leave the racing line and slow down.

Dear developer, please make normal AI. This ddeamn ramming is unbearable.

Thank you very much, best regards from Germany.

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I hope for a track DLC soon, with Bathurst and one or two other tracks, for around 20 bucks. That would prevent players who dont like the game from posting their nonsense here about the new content without paying for it. Win win, if you ask me.

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Stop making these threads


Now you’re sounding like one of “those” ^ posters.

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I have to really watch what I say…can’t count how many of mine have been deleted. Then a day later someone does the exact same post and it goes on to like hundreds of replies.

I think he has a vendetta against me. Well lots of Turn10 do.

I made perfect copies in Forza 2 of all the special aniversary cars (Ferrari 430, Subaru, Mustang), they made a big post about it, doing everything but calling me out by name…because I techinically did nothing wrong. I repllicated a paint, I did not hack and copy it. I soon after got banned from the forums for YEARS.


We can’t just go too crazy.

And I did 10 before 9 released. We’re not satisfied with the updates, hence asking about future updates to show that.

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NFS Shift 2 was killer.
More like a arcade-ey Racing sim.
For it’s time it was leaps ahead of anything else.
NFS 1, 2 ,Porsche Unleashed and Shift 2 were Superb titles when the games came out.

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I played Carbon back when i PC gamed, before fm7 and after my 360 died

Counting the corners in my mind it happens at Turn 10 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Says something doesn’t it

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We have already obtained it in Forza 7, but they are still unwilling to return it to us 9 months after the game is released.

Just one of many many things that was in the previous installment but don’t worry it will return in 2027 along with Road Atlanta and two more racing suits!

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That would be great but first the cars need to be balanced inside of those divisions. Although devs could use Rivals times to see which cars are OP