Unvotable people ?

Any one else had an issue with their being no option to vote out drivers ?

Last night, a pal and I were racing and there wee 2 drivers who were basically trying to cause mayhem … mostly failing because they didn’t seem to grasp the concept that they ghost in certain situations, but they succeeded a few times in wrecking others.
We both went to their names and vote to kick screen and the option simply wasn’t there ! … thinking it was something we hadn’t done, we checked the other racers in the lobby, and found we could vote on those, so the only conclusion we could reach is they have hacked something …

The option is there, you go to there name “Card/Ticket” click it and where you can toggle mute there is also a vote player…

Allthough as your self have prooved, its not very obvious so even when you do vote the chance they get kicked is very slim.
Which is annoying because idiots know they can get away with it so they keep hassling the lobby for giggles.

Hi PGCD Durand, Sorry maybe I didn’t make myself clear.
I know were the option is … in this particular instance their name “card” just did not have the option, when I looked at the racers in the lobby’s “cards” they did have it. The pair also had very similar names and obviously teaming.
My pal in the lobby at the same time had the same lack of boot option too.

But +1 on the chances of getting booted making it open season, if the same names pop up I put them on block in the hope it helps !

When you look before the next track is choosen, there is no kick option.
You must vote to kick after the new track is choosen, but mostly nothing happend.

This. There is only a small window to kick and mute players. You cannot do it during track voting or during the pre-race countdown. Also, once you vote to kick someone you cannot do it again, it sticks with them until they leave or are kicked from that lobby.

Yep, after the track is locked in the vote to kick option shows up. You should also already have what car you want loaded up too because a glitch can cause you to get booted to the main screen after voting to kick someone and then trying to change your car.

I have experienced this myself several times with other friends experiencing the same thing in the same lobby. As stated above yes I know the track had to be kicked in to vote kick. In some instances it simply is not there at all. Several times I found this quite odd and would go select a diff person to see if the option was on there tag and it was. Then I’d go back to the person I was intending to vote kick and still no option for it.

We had one last night crashing people out so his friend could move up the pack, I noticed he would leave before the end of the race and then rejoin before we all got back into the lobby which then did not give us the option to kick at all with him. We only got the option after one race when he forgot to leave early.

get some friends together and make a private lobby or if possible talk to the people that are in lobby about leaving and joining your private lobby