Unicorn cars

How come turn 10 don’t do a unicorn dlc car pack?

Then there would be no unicorn cars. I like that its not easy to get them that’s what makes them great. Check out johniwanna if u want to put in the work like the rest of us. The only way to get unicorns is thru him or manteomax. Good luck mate. Hope I didn’t come off harsh. I wasn’t meaning to

johniwanna, et, al. are still gifting FM4 Unicorn cars for comments in the News section of the forums - I received one today!

I want an unicorn car.I will send coments.I can t belibe!I try.good look

Because the cars are already in the game - just locked so you can’t use them until T10 gift you one.

hello everybody is it possible to have all the unicorn cars?? if possible my gamertag is Miki Gabber 87

Anybody have a comprehensive list??? I’m just curious. I don’t even know if I’d like any of the unicorn cars. So I’m not sure it’s that big of a deal to me. There are a few cars the game doesn’t have that I wish they did.

the unicorn list is in the thread stickied at the top of the forum:


New to the whole “Unicorn Car” scene, but now that I’ve heard of them, I really want one. If anyone could please tell me how it I could get one of these, it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Read the post right above your post.

Kind of on the same page, but how come the fm.net rewards don’t give unicorn cars anymore? I think I got like 2 that I didn’t have, but there are still a few more I’d like to get and watch for them but no luck.

They should send VIP’S unicorns randomly! This would be worth becoming a VIP!!

They used to - but have moved onto the next game (lucky we can still get the unicorns at all, in the past games that has stopped as soon as the next game has been released).