Unicorn car help? Please?!?

I have come here in hopes that a developer or someone from T10 may see this post and can give me an answer to my following question. Not long ago, during the Forza Rewards Beta, I was gifted several Unicorn Cars from the Turn 10 Studios. Those that I received for Forza Horizon worked just fine, and I appreciated them greatly. The 2 Unicorns for Forza 4, however, I could not accept because I had the Essentials Edition, and to receive the Unicorns that were gifted to me, I had to have the 1950-2000 Car Pack that is usually on disc 2. I couldn’t accept the cars and had to let them delete after 30 days of trying to get the money for a complete Forza 4 copy. I have since bought all 3 missing content packs, and the Porsche expansion pack, and plan to purchase the remaining DLC. However, I can’t obtain all the Forza 4 achievements if I can’t get the Unicorn achievement. This bugs me a lot, because since I bought my first Forza game in 2012 (Horizon) I have loved the series, and continued to reach 100% completion of Horzion with all cars, all achievements and all DLC. I want to do the same with Forza 4, and with my recently purchased Forza 3. But if I can’t obtain a Unicorn, this is hopeless. I ask that someone from Turn 10 can please, just please, work this issue out for me by either giving me a Unicorn (regardless of make or model) or at least letting me know that such a thing cannot be done, so I don’t get my hopes up and continue trying to complete Forza 4. I have included a screenshot below that will hopefully prove that I did, in fact, redeem these rewards:

Please, someone, help me out. I would have emailed T10 about this but I couldn’t find their support email address anywhere.


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Your best bet will be posting in weekly articles listed on this thread:
You need to post on these articles with your gamertag and unicorn of choise and eventually you will be sent one. Just be sure to write comments related to the topic or you might not get anything.
Hope that helped!

Send the info to forzafb@microsoft.com. You will get an auto reply - this is normal.

Wouldn’t hold my breath though as they tend to have a policy of not resending things like gift unicorns.